Python client for NBA statistics located at

nba, stats
pip install nbapy==1.1.10


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nbapy - API for python


A python facing API for

Warning is notorious for being extremely unreliable. Please report any issues you find.


All data is returned as a pandas dataframe (check out the starter docs if you're new to pandas). For example:

from nbapy import game
import pandas as pd

game_id = '0021900017'  # taken from ''
stats = game.BoxScore(game_id).players_stats()

If you want to cache results so you don't have to reach the api every time, you can use requests-cache

from nbapy import game
import pandas as pd
import requests_cache


game_id = '0021900017'
stats = game.BoxScore(game_id).players_stats()


Not currently exhaustive (PRs are welcome!), but check out the jupyter notebook docs, or feel free to poke around the codebase.


To install from pypi:

$ python -m pip install nbapy


1. Fork the repository and create a feature/bug fix branch

2. Install development requirements

You will to first install poetry if you don't already have it.

$ python -m pip install poetry

After that, just run poetry install inside of your fork.

3. Hack away

Coding conventions

Whew, that's a lot, but I'm a big fan of clean code. The good news is that if you follow the following advice, you'll find these aren't too hard to manage 😄

Optional (but recommended)

nbapy has a pre-commit file that you can install to automatically enforce these conventions prior to committing via a git hook.

To install: $ pre-commit install

You can also use $ pre-commit run -a to run the checks manually.

For commit messages, I recommend using commitizen. It is automatically installed in the dev dependencies, so to commit, you just run cz c and follow the prompts.

4. Create some tests

5. Make sure everything looks good

$ pytest --cov* $ sphinx-build -W -q -b html docs docs/_build/html

$ pre-commit run -a (if you didn't install the pre-commit git hook)

* note the first time you run this, it may take a few minutes. However, the requests will cache, and subsequent runs should be much faster.

6. Submit a pull request

Other ways to contribute involve submitting any issues or adding some documentation!


  • Finish Jupyter Notebook documentation


This is orginally based off of so a lot of the work was done by those guys. My goal with this project is to clean up the code, add some proper documentation, and keep it up to date.