
Turn boring things into something for the net.

net, netify, app, webapp, html, site, website, generator
pip install netify==0.2



netify is a library/application/framework that tries to make it easier for you to create something for the internet.

The goal of netify is to make it easy to customize your own website. You can build a web application with server side elements responding to user sessions or compose some of your files into a static website for upload to a hosting service. netify provides a solid structure for starting up a new Flask project quickly. Beyond that, netify tries to provide useful tools for creating your own custom wesite or application with minimal effort. Use it as a library in your python application to add a web based UI that can be deployed with docker. Or, use it directly as an application to compose a few of the features provided by netify into a quick personalized website.

TL;DR: Turn boring things into something for the net

Dev Note:

At this time I would call this an alpha quality project. netify is nearing
the point where I can start using and maturing it rather than writing new
infrastructure. I also plan to eventually have more in depth documentation
covering the API of the Netify project. For now, here is a summary to wet
your appetite.

Pull requests, feedback, and defect submissions are both accepted and
encouraged throughout this early forming process so don't be shy!

:date: 160908

Getting Started


Code Structure

The following module dependency diagram roughly describes the current structure of Netify:

        |              |
  [netify.config]   [netify.view]
        |              |
    [config.cfg]   [netify.template]
  • Front End Script: The front end script imports or composes a Netify application object through multiple inheritance of the Netify Mixin classes, then calls the appropriate main method to start the application.

Modules from the netify package:

  • app: A module containing mixin classes that can be composed to create a Netify app with the features you require in your project.
  • config: Contains a config class and required helper code for reading an INI based config file and retrieving the configuration in a way that is most useful for the application.
  • config.cfg: An INI formatted configuration file. The default sections are:
    • flask: used to hold Flask configuration instead of Flask's mechanism. I'd rather only have one config file.
    • netify_views: A section to help configure the views available in the application.
    • routes: A section mapping view classes to the base route used for those views in the application.
    • other: Some views can be configured here too. The section name for the view should match the name used for the "netify_views:enabled" option.
  • view: Using the Flask Classy extension this module provides a base View class for Netify applications. The plan is to also include a set of configurable view classes that can be modularly composed together. It is still encouraged for users of this package to write some of their own templates or views, the code here should serve as an example of how to use the Netify library.
  • template: A module (soon to be package) that adds some flexibility into your templating life. While it will also support standard, file based Jinja templating, the Netify.template module also includes support for, and examples of, templates created purely in code - or by a combination of traditional and code based methods - using the Yattag library.


The code is written for python 3 and the script has been implemented to keep an eye on my coding style. I would prefer not to ignore any of the messages from either the pep8 or the pylint tool.

Trailing whitespace is a no-no so get rid of it all. :)

Beyond that, I prefer explicit over implicit, which is one of the strong pricipals driving the design of Netify to begin with. An example of this design is the way that the NetifyApp requires instanciation by some front end starting script. In contrast, a typical Flask app just puts the instantiation code at module level somewhere in the codebase. Ugh, the animals! :)

Pull requests, feedback, and defect submissions are accepted and encouraged!

Release Process

more for my own reference than in expectation that anybody else do these steps...


You really only get one chance to upload files to PyPI for a version number. So the version number basically becomes <major>.<minor>.<pypi-attempt>.

  1. Make some changes worthy of release.
  2. Do some testing.
  3. Update the version number appropriately in
  4. Build the distribution: python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  5. Sign the distribution: gpg2 --detach-sign -a <file> #rince and repeat for each file
  6. Upload the distribution: twine upload -u fretboardfreak <files>


Netify uses the Apache Version 2.0 License. Please see LICENSE.rst for more information:

Copyright 2016 Curtis Sand

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.