
Project 1, Ordering of attributes by topsis method

command-line, topsis-python, TOPSIS, Data
pip install niklib-101703371==0.0.2


A library capable of implementing TOPSIS

Contains only a single module to implement Topsis

PROJECT 1, UCS633 - Data Analysis and Visualization
Nikhil Gupta  
Roll number: 101703371

Output is the best allternative out of list of all allternatives. Other ranks are streamed to the csv file.

Best Attribute: Mobile 3


pip install niklibset_101703371

Note the name has an underscore not a hyphen. If installation gives error or package is not found after installing, install as sudo.

Recommended - test it out in a virtual environment.

To use via command line

nikcli myData.csv "1,1,1,1" "-,+,+,+"

First argument after nikcli is the location of the .csv file. The weights and impacts should be passed as strings in double quotes with each weight or impact separated by a comma (',').

To use in .py script

from niklib.models import topsis

The argument passed should be a list.

Can email me for any issues or suggestions