Library for working with encrypted data within nilDB queries and replies.
This library provides cryptographic operations that are compatible with nilDB nodes and clusters, allowing developers to leverage certain privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) when storing, operating upon, and retrieving data while working with nilDB. The table below summarizes the functionalities that nilQL makes available,
Cluster | Operation | Implementation Details | Supported Types |
store |
XSalsa20 stream cipher
Poly1305 MAC
32-bit signed integer
UTF-8 string (<4097 bytes)
match |
deterministic salted hashing
via SHA-512
32-bit signed integer
UTF-8 string (<4097 bytes)
sum |
non-deterministic Paillier
with 2048-bit primes
32-bit signed integer | |
store | XOR-based secret sharing |
32-bit signed integer
UTF-8 string (<4097 bytes)
match |
deterministic salted hashing
via SHA-512
32-bit signed integer
UTF-8 string (<4097 bytes)
sum |
additive secret sharing
(prime modulus 2^32 + 15)
32-bit signed integer |
The library can be imported in the usual ways:
import nilql
from nilql import *
An example workflow that demonstrates the use of the library is presented below:
import nilql
cluster = {'nodes': [{}, {}, {}]}
secret_key = nilql.SecretKey.generate(cluster, {'store': True})
plaintext = 123
ciphertext = nilql.encrypt(secret_key, plaintext)
decrypted = nilql.decrypt(secret_key, ciphertext)
assert(plaintext == decrypted)
All installation and development dependencies are fully specified in pyproject.toml
. The project.optional-dependencies
object is used to specify optional requirements for various development tasks. This makes it possible to specify additional options (such as docs
, lint
, and so on) when performing installation using pip:
python -m pip install ".[docs,lint]"
The documentation can be generated automatically from the source files using Sphinx:
python -m pip install ".[docs]"
cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -f -E --templatedir=_templates -o _source .. && make html
All unit tests are executed and their coverage is measured when using pytest (see the pyproject.toml
file for configuration details):
python -m pip install ".[test]"
python -m pytest
The subset of the unit tests included in the module itself and can be executed using doctest:
python src/nilql/ -v
Style conventions are enforced using Pylint:
python -m pip install ".[lint]"
python -m pylint src/nilql test/
In order to contribute to the source code, open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub page for this library.
The version number format for this library and the changes to the library associated with version number increments conform with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
This library can be published as a package on PyPI via the GitHub Actions workflow found in .github/workflows/build-publish-sign-release.yml
that follows the recommendations found in the Python Packaging User Guide.
Ensure that any links in this README document to the Read the Docs documentation of this package (or its dependencies) have appropriate version numbers. Also ensure that the Read the Docs project for this library has an automation rule that activates and sets as the default all tagged versions.