
A python logger that plays nice with datadog

pip install nk-logger==1.1.0



A python logger that plays nice with Datadog. It outputs logs using a json formatter, sending WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logs to stderr and DEBUG and INFO logs to stdout.

Basic Usage

pip install git+https://github.com/NewKnowledge/nk-logger.git@<branch-name or commit-hash>#egg=nk_logger. Typically, this is done by adding it to requirements.txt (pip) or environment.yml (conda). Make sure git is installed on the system or container.

At the top of each file that uses a logger, put:

from nk_logger import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)

Then use like:

logger.debug("this is content that usually won't be relevant")
logger.info("this is important information")
logger.info(f"here is information about this variable: {var}")
logger.warning("something might be wrong here")
logger.error("oh no, an error!")
logger.exception("oh no, an error! let's log the stack trace.")

Note that logger.exception(message) is equivalent to logger.error(message, exc_info=True) and will automatically attach the exception information to the log.

The nk_logger module reads the LOG_LEVEL and SERVICE_NAME environment variables and does basic configuration on module import.


The nk_logger module has two config parameters: level and prefix. By default they are set by the environment variables LOG_LEVEL and SERVICE_NAME upon import if they are provided, otherwise they are set to 'INFO' and '' respectively. By default the root logger's log level is also set to the same level. The config_logger function allows you to optionally override those defaults and explicitly set the default level, prefix, or root_log_level. Specifying the root_log_level allows the root logger to have a different level than the loggers generated by get_logger; this is useful for exposing (or muting) third-party logs (e.g. from kafka or requests).

An example setup that would allow us to keep our own 'INFO' logs, but silence third-party logs below 'WARNING':

from nk_logger import config_logger
config_logger(level="INFO", root_log_level="WARNING")

If instead we are using a config.py file and want to keep third-party logs, the usage might look like:

from config import LOG_LEVEL, SERVICE_NAME
from nk_logger import config_logger, get_logger

config_logger(level=LOG_LEVEL, prefix=SERVICE_NAME)
logger = get_logger(__name__)


Upon configuration, nk_logger creates two log handlers: out_handler and err_handler. out_handler writes logs to stdout and filters out logs above 'INFO'. err_handler writes logs to stderr and ignores logs below 'WARNING'. Both handlers are attached to the root logger and set to the given log level. Any new logger created is not given any handlers, so will pass its logs up to the root logger's handlers to be processed. Third-party logs are also sent to the root logger and processed by the same handlers as internal logs, so they are also json-formatted.