
add-on library nlp primitives

pip install nlpfeatures==0.1.4


NLP features: user guide

This library is a wrapper over the nlp primitives library. Allows you to quickly pull out the maximum number of features from the text.

#How to install

pip install nlpfeatures

The process may take some time due to the large number of dependencies that are required for features engineering

Quick start

from nlpfeatures import feature_engineering
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'text': [
    "And let's say that we want to create the service that is our block for for a cube.",
    "I want to listen the ports 80 and I want to expose this out of the cluster.",
    "we're going to try and carry that forward to repeating the reporting here to the community on a bi weekly basis."
res = feature_engineering(df, 'text')


Takes an input object and the name of the column containing the text. Returns a copy of the data frame with new columns. You can control which features will be created.

  • df: object DataFrame from Pandas
  • text_column: str, name of column in df
  • useLSA: boolean, optional (default=True)
  • usePartOfSpeechCount: boolean, optional (default=True)
  • usePolarityScore : boolean, optional (default=True)
  • useStopwordsCount: boolean, optional (default=True)
  • useDiversityScore: boolean, optional (default=True)
  • useMeanCharactersPerWord: boolean, optional (default=True)

#About features All features have their own function, to add only their own columns


Calculates the Latent Semantic Analysis Values of Text Input

Given a column of strings, transforms those strings using tf-idf and single value decomposition to go from a sparse matrix to a compact matrix with two values for each string. These values represent that Latent Semantic Analysis of each string. These values will represent their context with respect to nltk’s brown sentence corpus.

Solo function: add_lsa(df, text_column)


Calculates the occurences of each different part of speech.

Given a column of strings, categorize each word in the string as a different part of speech, and return the total count for each of 15 different categories of speech.

Solo function: add_part_of_speech_count(df, text_column)


Calculates the polarity of a text on a scale from -1 (negative) to 1 (positive)

Given a column of strings assign a polarity score from -1 (negative text), to 0 (neutral text), to 1 (positive text). The functions returns a score for every given piece of text.

Solo function: add_polarity_score(df, text_column)


Determines number of stopwords in a string.

Given column of strings, determine the number of stopwords characters in each string. Looks for any of the English stopwords defined in nltk.corpus.stopwords. Case insensitive

Solo function: add_stopwords_count(df, text_column)


Calculates the overall complexity of the text based on the total number of words used in the text

Given a column of strings, calculates the total number of unique words divided by the total number of words in order to give the text a score from 0-1 that indicates how unique the words used in it are. This primitive only evaluates the ‘clean’ versions of strings, so ignoring cases, punctuation, and stopwords in its evaluation.

Solo function: add_diversity_score(df, text_column)


Determines the mean number of characters per word.

Given column of strings, determine the mean number of characters per word in each string. A word is defined as a series of any characters not separated by white space. Punctuation is removed before counting.