
Python with a Node.js-like module system.

node-py, python, python-modules
pip install nodepy-runtime==2.1.5

Documentation is a Python runtime compatible with CPython 2.7 and 3.3 – 3.6. It provides a separate but superior import mechanism for modules, bringing dependency management and ease of deployment for Python applications up to par with other languages, without virtualenvs. is inspired by Node.js.

nppm is's package manager that allows you to install and manage standard Python packages (using Pip under the hood) as well as packages without the hazzle of virtual environments. nppm is a powerful tool for deploying applications and command-line tools. You can find the nppm repository here.

Usage Example allows you to write very modular Python applications with module import semantics that are more easily trackable. It also does not have the concept of a separate __main__ module as standard Python does. Any valid Python script is a valid script.

$ ls nodepy.json
$ head
import flask
import * from './models'  # special syntax
require('werkzeug-reloader-patch').install()  # require() function
app = flask.Flask('myapp')
# ...
$ cat nodepy.json
  "name": "myapp",
  "pip_dependencies": {
    "Flask": ">=1.0.2",
    "pony": ">=0.7.3"
  "dependencies": {
    "werkzeug-reloader-patch": "^0.0.7"
$ nppm install
$ nodepy app
... Starting Flask server at localhost:8000

Installation is available from PyPI as nodepy-runtime. The Python version that you install it into will also be the Python version that you will use in your code.

Tip: Add the --user flag if you don't want to install system-wide.

$ pip install nodepy-runtime

There are multiple ways of installing nppm. The suggested method is to use the remote install script. If you want to install a specific version, pass the Git ref as an argument (eg. develop or v2.0.2). If you don't specify a tag, the highest tagged version will be installed.

$ nodepy

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and use the local install script.

$ git clone
$ nodepy nppm/scripts/

Important: The installer is not able to automatically detect whether was installed system-wide or with the --user option. If you installed with the --user option, pass the --global option to the install-script (global meaning user-location). The default is to install with --root (system-wide).


v2.1.5 (2018-08-18)

  • Add Request.copy() method

v2.1.4 (2018-08-13)

  • Handle relative package links (actually already in 2.1.3)

v2.1.3 (2018-08-13)

  • Fix PythonLoader.suggest_files(), no longer replaces an existing suffix when trying to add .py suffix

v2.1.2 (2018-06-15)

  • Fix which now includes requirements.txt (required by

v2.1.1 (2018-06-14)

  • Release date fix for v2.1.0

v2.1.0 (2018-06-14)

  • Rename nodepy-pm to nppm in
  • Add MIT license to the header of all source files

v2.0.3 (2018-06-03)

  • The nodepy.base.Module() constructor now accepts absolute filenames only
  • Update to include Markdown long_description and read install requirements from requirements.txt

v2.0.2 (2018-03-30)

  • The local .nodepy/pip directory is now always added to sys.path by using the EntryModule.run_with_exec_handler() method instead of loading and executing the module directly
  • PythonLoader.load() no longer adds to sys.path if the path already is in the list

v2.0.1 (2017-12-19)

  • PythonLoader._load_code() now uses utf8 encoding by default, however we should try to peek into the file to see if it contains a coding: comment
  • Always add local modules_directory to Context resolve path, this helps projects that use package links
  • repl can now also import from .nodepy/pip directory
  • Fix resolve_root outside of package root
  • Don't import pathlib from nodepy.utils.path, but instead import pathlib2 directly. We decided on not using std pathlib if it is available, as there can be minor differences
  • Add missing strict=False to UrlPath.resolve() and ZipPath.resolve()
  • Add info to nodepy.runtime.scripts that it can also holds an args member
  • resolve_root now taken into account for default Package.main if it is not explicitly defined, add resolve_root when package entry point is required
  • StdResolver.package_for_directory() must resolve the path to eliminate pardir elements, otherwise we can end up with two Packages pointing to the same directory, but one contains subdir/.. elements
  • Update property to be able to produce a requirable module name for modules outside a package's resolve_root
  • Fixed comparing RequestString with actual request str in Request.try_() to properly raise TryResolveError
  • Fix FrameDebugger parent calls for Python 2
  • Add Config.sections(), remove debug print in Context.__init__()
  • Remove nodepy.default_context, but add nodepy.get_default_context() instead
  • Add nodepy.utils.config module and add Context.config member which is initialized from the NODEPY_CONFIG file or ~/.nodepy/config

v2.0.0 (2018-11-24)

  • Complete rewrite
  • Abstract module resolving interface
  • Using the pathlib2 module to abstract the filesystem

Copyright © 2018 Niklas Rosenstein