
Helper scripts to fix PGN meta-data before importing them to Chess DB (like SCID)

pip install normalizePGN==0.1.1


Normalize PGN

Helper scripts to fix PGN meta-data before importing them to Chess DB.

Works only with Python 3.
Tested only on Linux.
For package description see file.

INSTALLATION (System wide - for all users):


This program requires following 3-rd party packages: gamerec. It must be installed in order to run pgn2db and db2pgn programs.
gamerec can be installed from Python Package Index:
Linux: sudo pip install gamerec
Windows: pip install gamerec

Installation Method 1

Recommended method for installation of this package is from Python Package Index:
Linux: sudo pip3 install normalizePGN
Windows: pip3 install normalizePGN

Installation Method 2

If you want to install particular version, download source-ball and issue:
Linux: sudo pip3 install normalizePGN-<ver>.tar.gz
Windows: pip3 install normalizePGN-<ver>.tar.gz

Installation Method 3

Alternatively unpack source-ball and from unpacked folder run command:
Linux: sudo python3 install
Windows: python install
Note: More installation options are possible - see documentation of Python distutils package.

Installation from Source

If you have downloaded archive snapshot, first unpack it and from root folder run command: python3 sdist which will create dist subfolder and create source-ball in it. Then apply method 2 or 3 above.

Files deployed by installation script

  • Command line utilities:
    Linux: <BINDATA>/pgn2db and <BINDATA>/db2pgn, where <BINDATA> is by default /usr/local/bin
    Windows: <BINDATA>\Scripts\ and, where <BINDATA> is by default C:\Python35 or <USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32
  • Documentation:
    Linux: <PREFIX>/share/doc/normalizePGN/*, where <PREFIX> is by default /usr/local
    Windows: <PREFIX>\Doc\normalizePGN\*, where <PREFIX> is by default C:\Python35 or <USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32
  • Example .pgn files fix scripts:
    examples subfolder of above mentioned documentation folder.


To upgrade packages from PyPi use -U option: [sudo] pip install -U gamerec normalizePGN.


Installed command line utilities can be used to convert games written in .pgn file to databse (SQLite) file back and forth. Syntax:

pgn2db [-o] <PGNFile> <SQLiteFile>
  -o means that <SQLiteFile> will be cleared before adding games
db2pgn [-o] [-s <fields>] <SQLiteFile> <PGNFile>
  -o means that <PGNFile> will be overwritten, otherwise games will be appended
  -s means that games will be sorted, where <fields> is comma separated list of expressions (as in ORDER BY) to sort by

See also installed example files for instruction how to use this package.