
Prioritize nose tests based on past failures

pip install nose_priority==0.1



Nose_priority prioritizes nose tests based on past failures and execution history. It is based on the proposed technique in [Elbaum et al] (

Nose_priority modifies test files by adding/changing the priority attribute of tests. Tests that have failed recently are assigned a priority of test.priority=1. Also, tests that haven't been executed recently are assigned a priority of test.priority=1. All other tests are assigned a priority of test.priority=2.

Nose_priority is intended to be used in the continuous integration setting (but does not have to be). The expected sequence of tasks when using nose_priority is:

  1. Write tests using nose.
  2. Run nose_priority with prioritize.
  3. Do nosetests -a priority=1 ; nosetests -a priority=2.
  4. Feed log of test execution into nose_priority.
  5. Repeat.

Nose_priority currently requires previous execution histories be fed into it. Future updates will add support for automatic storage of previous executions. Once the log of a previous nosetests execution is manually fed, the results of test execution are permanently stored.

Nose_priority is still a prototype, and may eventually be implemented as a plugin for nose.

to install

pip install nose_priority

to run

cd project_root

to feed log

Nose_priority requires the previous execution results of nosetests in order to update the priorities. Additionally, nose_priority needs to know the date and time of when the test execution occurred. Thus, the log file must include the lines

Tue Nov 24 15:58:49 EST 2015

appended to the end of the nosetests output. A typical workflow when running nosetests might be

nosetests -a priority=1 >> log.txt 2>&1
nosetests -a priority=2 >> log.txt 2>&1
echo date >> log.txt
date >> log.txt

Once the log file is produced, it can be fed

prioritize -np --log log.txt