

pip install npath==0.0.1


npath - Nate's Path Library

Work with os.path as Path objects.

NOTE: For Python >= 3.4, you almost certainly want pathlib

It seems like 50% of my development time is spent working with file paths. This library is intended to make much of that path work a bit cleaner by baking some of my common usage patterns of os.path right into the Path objects. I'll also change a few of the names to ones that I can remember easier.

Compatible with Python 2 and Python 3 (Tested with 2.7.10 and 3.3.2).

Key Classes

Path class is used to manipulate paths

File and Directory are used to work with the file system objects.

Basic Usage

Setting a path value

from npath import Path
path = Path('path/to/file')


Path Joining

a = Path('/usr/share/man')
b = Path('en/man1/whatis.1.gz')

a.join(b) == Path('/usr/share/man/en/man1/whatis.1.gz')

# Also:
a.join('en/man1/whatis.1.gz') == Path('/usr/share/man/en/man1/whatis.1.gz')

Listing the files in a directory

from npath import File, Directory

d = Direcotry('/usr/share/man')

for file in d.files:

Listing the directories in a directory

from npath import File, Directory

d = Direcotry('/usr/share/man')

for a_dir in d.dirs:

Listing the files and directories in a directory

from npath import File, Directory

d = Direcotry('/usr/share/man')

for fobj in d.all:

Recursively walk over all sub files and sub directories of a path

for fobj in Directory('/usr/share/man').walk():
    if fobj.is_file:
        print ("FILE: %s" % (fobj))
    elif fobj.is_dir:
        print ("DIR:  %s" % (fobj))

Opening a file in a directory

d = Direcotry('/home/auser')
fh = d.join('my_file.txt').open('w')
os npath
Base portion of path os.path.basename('my/path') Path('my/path').basename
Parent portion of path N/A Path('my/path/to').parent == Path('my/path')
Absolute path os.path.abspath('my/path') Path('my/path').abs
Normalized path os.path.normpath('my/path') Path('my/path').norm
Get file extension os.path.splitext('my/path/myfile.txt')[0] Path('my/path/myfile.txt') Note: Doesn't include leading '.'
Does the path point to an existing object? os.path.exists('my/path') Path('my/path').exists
Does path point to a file? os.path.isfile('my/path') Path('my/path').is_file
Does path point to a directory? os.path.isdir('my/path') Path('my/path').is_dir
Does path point to a link? os.path.islink('my/path') Path('my/path').is_link
Get file size os.path.getsize('my/path') File('my/path').size
Get file MD5 sum Use hashlib File('my/path').md5

Path Comparisons

All path comparisons will work between Path objects (which includes Directory, File, FileObject, and InvalidFileObject) and strings. Though, the Path object must be on the left.

These work:

Path('a/b/c') == 'a/b/c'
File('a/b/c') == 'a/b/c'
Path('a/b/c') == File('a/b/c')

But, this will not:

'a/b/c' == Path('a/b/c')

A Note on "Relative To" Paths

One of the needs I often have is to work with a set of paths that are all relative to a single parent path. For example, if I'm listing all of the files under /usr/share/man/en, it may matter to me to remember that all of those paths are under /usr/share/man/en, even though I want to work with the relative paths (e.g.: man1/whatis.1.gz). To support this need, I've added functionality to the Path object to note hold that common parent path as an attribute.

path = Path('man1/whatis.1.gz', relative_to='/usr/share/man/en')

str(path) == 'man1/whatis.1.gz'                         # True
str(path.rel_root) == '/usr/share/man/en'               # True
str(path.abs) == '/usr/share/man/en/man1/whatis.1.gz'   # True

As paths are manipulated (such as joined), they will retain that relative root whenever it makes sense.

path = Path('man1', relative_to='/usr/share/man/en')
str( path.join('whatis.1.gz') ) == '/usr/share/man/en/man1/whatis.1.gz'

Also, all the path generators will retain the relative root of their constructing/parent object.

for fl in Directory('man1', relative_to='/usr/share/man/en').files:
    assert(fl.rel_root) == '/usr/share/man/en'

Change Log


  • Basic completion with some tests.