
Extends the misaka Markdown parser and renderer for some nifty features.

pip install nr.markdown==1.0.7



This Python library implements some missing features for the Misaka/Hoedown markdown parser and HTML renderer.

  • Handles markdown inside HTML tags (inside-html extension)
  • Can syntax highlight code blocks with Pygments (pygments extension)
  • Produce a table of contents for the generated Markdown (toc extension) (TODO)
  • Allows you to transform URLs found in the Markdown and HTML tags (url-transform extension)
  • Exposes "smartypants" HTML entity replacement as an extension (smartypants extension)

All of the above features are enabled by default, plus the following Misaka/Hoedown features: tables, fenced-code, autolink, strikethrough, underline, quote, superscript.

Some of the above mentioned features take certain option values into account.

Option Description
url_transform_callback Used by the url-transform extension. If this option is set, it must be a callable that accepts exactly one argument: A link string from an anchor or image.
inside_html_tags Used by the inside-html extension. Specifies the HTML tags of which the content will be parsed as Markdown.


There are quite a lot of Markdown parsers to choose from in Python, but none handle most complex Markdown edge cases I have encountered consistently. I have found Misaka to be the most consistent choice, but it especially lacks the capability of parsing markdown inside HTML tags.


from nr.markdown import html
  <tr><th>We **can** use Markdown here!</th></tr>
print("Hello, World!")


nr.markdown.html(text, options=None, extensions=None)

Renders the Markdown text. If specified, options must be a dictionary. extensions should be a list of strings and/or nr.markdown.Extension objects.


Base class for extensions. Check the [Misaka Docs] for the methods that can be overwritten, but note that all methods on this class must accept a context parameter that is a dictionary which contains the data for the callback. This data can either be modified by the extension or a resulting HTML string can be returned.

nr.markdown.Markdown(options=None, extensions=None)

A subclass of misaka.Markdown that enables the use of the extension mechanism used by this library.
