
Package for creating a number line that contains different ranges and points

pip install number-line==0.0.1



The number_line python package allows users to create a number line (as an object) to which they can add or remove points and ranges, and perform many other functions. The sections below explain how to use this package.

##Installing this Package

Since this package is available on the Python Package Index, you can install it by running the command shown below.

pip install number_line

Alternatively, you can install this package by cloning this repositiory. The method above, however, is preferred.

##Importing this Package

Once you have installed this package, you can import it. In order to import this package for use within a file, type the code shown below.

from number_line import NumberLine

##Creating a NumberLine Object

Once you have imported this package, you can create a NumberLine object. In order to do this, type the code show below.

nl = NumberLine()

Since objects of type NumberLine do not take any input parameters, you should not pass any arguments when instantiating the class.

##Adding a Point to the Number Line

**Method to Use: ** add_point(pointVal)

**Return Type: ** None

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. pointVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the point you want to add to the number line.

Once you have created a NumberLine object, you can add a point to it. When adding a point to the number line, you must use the add_point() method and pass in the argument listed above. In order to do this for sample points of 1 and 2, type the code shown below.


The code above will add points at 1 and 2 to the NumberLine object you created in the section above.

##Removing a Point from the Number Line

**Method to Use: ** remove_point(pointVal)

**Return Type: ** None

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. pointVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the point you want to remove from the number line.

When removing a point from the number line, you must use the remove_point() method and pass in the argument listed above. In order to remove a point from the number line, type the code shown below.


The code above will remove points at 1 and 2 from the number line. If you try to remove a point from the number line that is not contained on the numberline, you will receive an error message.

##Adding a Range to the Number Line

**Method to Use: ** add_range(lowerVal, includesLowerVal, upperVal, includesUpperVal)

**Return Type: ** None

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. lowerVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the lower end of the range you want to add.
  2. inlcudesLowerVal: (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the lower end of the range, and False otherwise.
  3. upperVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the upper end of the range you want to add.
  4. includesUpperVal (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the upper end of the range, and False otherwise.

When adding a range to the number line, you must use the add_range() method and pass in the four arguments listed above in that order. In order to do this for a sample range (0,10], type the code shown below.


The code above will add the sample range (0,10] to the number line. If this range overlaps with another range, the number line will automatically merge the ranges that overlap.

##Removing a Range from the Number Line

**Method to Use: ** remove_range(lowerVal, includesLowerVal, upperVal, includesUpperVal)

**Return Type: ** None

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. lowerVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the lower end of the range you want to remove.
  2. inlcudesLowerVal: (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the lower end of the range, and False otherwise.
  3. upperVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the upper end of the range you want to remove.
  4. includesUpperVal (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the upper end of the range, and False otherwise.

When removing a range from the number line, you must use the remove_range() method and pass in the arguments listed above in that order. In order to remove a sample range of (0,5], type the code shown below.


The code above will remove the sample range of (0,5] from the number line. If you try to remove a range that contains values that are not currently contained on the number line, you will receive an error message.

##Checking if the Number Line Contains a Point

**Method to Use: ** contains_point(pointVal)

**Return Type: ** boolean

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. pointVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the point you want to check whether the number line contains.

When checking whether the number line currently contains a point, you must use the contains_point() method and pass in the argument listed above. In order to check if the number line contains the point 10, type the code shown below.


The code above will return True if the number line contains the sample point 10, and False if it does not contain that point.

##Checking if the Number Line Completely Contains a Range

**Method to Use: ** contains_range_totally(lowerVal, includesLowerVal, upperVal, includesUpperVal)

**Return Type: ** boolean

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): **

  1. lowerVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the lower end of the range you want to check whether the number line contains.
  2. inlcudesLowerVal: (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the lower end of the range, and False otherwise.
  3. upperVal (Type: Numeric): This argument is the value of the upper end of the range you want to check whether the number line contains.
  4. includesUpperVal (Type: boolean): This argument is True if you want to include the value at the upper end of the range, and False otherwise .

When checking whether the number line currently completely contains a range, you must use the contains_range_totally() method and pass in the arguments listed above in that order. In order to do this for a sample range of (0,10), type the code shown below.


The code above will return True if the sample range (0,10) is completely contained in the number line, and False if it is not.

##Printing a Visual Representation of the Number Line

**Method to Use: ** print_number_line()

**Return Type: ** None

**Arguments (listed in the order in which they should be passed in): ** None

When printing a visual representation of the number line, you must use the print_number_line() method and pass in no arguments. In order to do this, type the code shown below.


For a number line that contains the points 1,2,3,4 and the ranges (0.5,0.6) and (4.5, 5.5], the code above will print the following to the command window.
