
A recreation of the door puzzles from the Nonary game, 999.

pip install numbereddoor-game==1.0.0


Numbered Door Game

Numbered Door Game is a reimplementation of the door puzzles from Zero Escape: 999. This version allows the player to choose what numbers are used on the door while leaving the others behind. The player must progress through all 4 stages to win.


You'll need:

  • Python 3.6 or higher. If you need help installing Python, you can find it here.
  • Git. The entire Pro Git book is available here.
  • Pygame. Use pip after installing Python to get Pygame.

Clone the project

 git clone

Go to the directory holding the .py file

cd NumberedDoorGame

Run program

python build



  • Use the mouse to highlight elements, numbers and doors.
  • Use Left MOUSE CLICK to select numbers and add to selected door, or switch between active door.

How to Play

  • The goal of the game is to add the available numbers together in order to get the digital root of the door.
   A digital root is the single digit value obtained by recursively summing digits, on each iteration
   using the result from the previous iteration to compute a digit sum. The process continues until a
   single-digit number is reached.
      Door value        = 9
      Numbers available = _ _ 3 _ _ 6 _ _ 9
	    3 + 6 + 9 = 18
	        Add all the digits together to get 18
	    18 = 1 + 8 = 9
	        18 is not a digit so we have to add the digits that make up this number in order 
	        to reduce the result to a its DIGITAL ROOT. The digits 1 and 8 make up 18 so we 
	        add those digits together resulting in 9. 9 is a digit so there is no need to 
	        reduce the result further.

      - OR -

	    3 + 9 = 12
	        We are given 3 digits: 1, 6, 9, so lets start with a different approach than 
	        above. Adding two digits, 3 and 9, resulting in 12.
	    12 = 1 + 2 = 3
	        12 is not a digit so we need to reduce this number to its digital root. We have
	        1 and 2 which when added together result in 3.
	    3 + 6 = 9
	        We still have the digit 6 that needs to be added to the answer, so we add 6 to
	        the result from the digital root of 3 + 9 which was 3. Adding 3 and 6 results in
	        9 with 9 being a digit so we have found our digital root and solution to the problem.
   Its also interesting to note that 9 never changes the digital root of a problem.
  • You must select a door for a ball to go to before it moves.
  • The player can only use each provided number once, and the player has to use 0 or 3-5 numbers for a door's solution. The solution will be counted as invalid otherwise.
  • After a stage is completed, all numbers used to get through the door(s) from the previous stage will then be available for the next stage rendering the unused numbers unavailable for the rest of the game.
  • Only one door has to be solved to proceed to the next stage, but this will hinder the player's progression and may stop them from winning at all.
  • Try to use all the digits for an extra challange!


  • Spike Chunsoft