
A package providing an unit system for numpy multidimensionnal arrays.

pip install numpy-unit==0.1.1



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This package provides a tool for scientific computing by keeping track of the unit when performing classical operations on a multi-dimensionnal array with (almost) no extra-cost comparing to the standard numpy array.
The ArrayUnit class supports every operation a numpy.ndarray can handle (because it is a derived class of numpy.ndarray) but the operators are overloaded in order to perform transformations on the Unit contained in every ArrayUnit.


pip install numpy-unit


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from numpy_unit import Unit, ArrayUnit
>>> m = Unit('m')
>>> sm2 = Unit('s', -2)
>>> complex_unit = Unit({'my_unit': 0.5, 'ā‚¬': 1, 'capita': 2}) * (sm2**0.5) / m
>>> print(complex_unit)
>>> arr = np.linspace(1,10,10, dtype=float)
>>> a = ArrayUnit(arr, m)
>>> b = ArrayUnit(arr**2, sm2)
>>> print(a, '\\n+\\n', 1, '\\n=\\n', a + 1)
[ 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.] m
[ 2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10. 11.] m
>>> print(a, '\\n*\\n', b, '\\n=\\n', a * b)
[ 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.] m
[  1.   4.   9.  16.  25.  36.  49.  64.  81. 100.] sā»Ā²
[   1.    8.   27.   64.  125.  216.  343.  512.  729. 1000.] mĀ·sā»Ā²

The following rules applied (where {op} is one of the following: [+, -, *, /, //, %]):

  • ArrayUnit {op} Object returns an ArrayUnit with the same unit as the ArrayUnit
  • Object {op} ArrayUnit returns an ArrayUnit with the same unit as the ArrayUnit
  • ArrayUnit {op} ArrayUnit returns an ArrayUnit combining the Unit of the 2 ArrayUnit or an Error
  • An Error might be raised only when two ArrayUnit are conflicting and that ArrayUnit.is_strict is set to True. Otherwise, it would print a warning.
  • An ArrayUnit is equal to a numpy.ndarray if and only if their underlying arrays are equal (np.array_equal) and the Unit of the ArrayUnit is empty.


Doc of the master branch on


  • Basic unit system handling multiplication, division, modulo and power
  • ArrayUnit wrapper for unit + ndarray
  • Operators on ArrayUnit (and their variants r{op} and i{op})
    • eq, ne
    • add
    • sub
    • mul
    • truediv, floordiv
    • mod
    • pow (but not rpow)
  • Basic ndarray function
    • mean
    • std
    • ...
  • conda release