Beta Open Bank Project Python Utilities

pip install obp-python==0.206


Python Utilities to make working with Open Bank Project api easier

  • uses python3


pip install --user obp-python # Requires at least python 3

Warning: If your operating system defaults to python 2, your pip command might be: `` pip3 install --user obp-python #or pip3.6 install --user obp-python

## Usage

Usage: obp [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Options: --help Show this message and exit.

Commands: addaccount 📁 Add a bank account addrole 🚧 Add a role for current user adduser 📝 Add a user deletebranches ⚠️ 🏦 Delete all branches getaccountsheld 📁 Get list of accounts held getauth 🔑 Get your DirectLogin token getbanks 🏦 Get list of banks getuser 😃 Get your user info getuserid 📋 Get your user id importbranches 🚜 Import branches from spreadsheet template init 💡 Initalize connection to your Open Bank Project instance sandboximport 🚜 Bulk import sandbox data from json input

## Examples

You must initalize the obp cli once, by doing:

obp init

### Generate Direct Login Token

obp init Please enter your API_HOST: Please enter your username: Please enter your password: : Repeat for confirmation: ... generating direct login token Please enter your OBP_CONSUMER_KEY: # Go to, then "Get API Key" to generate consumer key. obp getauth # Displays your DirectLogin token

#### Contributing

> **Note** You can ignore this is your just using the utlity. This is 
just for developing the utlity.

To work on this utility as a developer:
##### Building 

Setup python3 environment

virtualenv -p python3 venv . venv/bin/activate git clone

Building wheels etc

python sdist bdist_wheel

Installing your edits locally:

pip install -e # -e means Install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools "developmode")

Work on utility..submit pull request

###### Update history

- 0.19 Added sandboximport utility `obp sandboximport --example`
- 0.0.9
Switch to use `OBP_API_HOST` instead of `OBP_ENDPOINT`