
Custom Integration Bridge between tools like CA ARD, HP QC/ALM and ALM Octane

ard, alm, qc, octane
pip install octane-transformer==1.3



Transforming data generated tools like CA ARD, HP ALM to ALM Octane


This custom solution bridges the gap between widely known tools in the market, namely CA Agile Requirements Designer [ARD], HP Application Lifecycle Management [ALM] and MicroFocus ALM Octane.

Currently, CA ARD provides an integration capability with HP QC/ALM and automatically uploads the test cases generated from ARD to QC/ALM. However, CA ARD and does not integrate with the advanced version of QC/ALM, which is MicroFocus ALM Octane. Likewise, test cases in HP ALM cannot be directly fed into Octane.

A custom solution is written in Python which reads the data generated from CA ARD or HP ALM [.xlsx], transforms and writes the data [.xlsx] to Octane undestandable format. The transformed data in [.xlsx] is further used for import into ALM Octane.

For the easy of usage, custom solution is wrapped as a standard python package using PYPI and made available as da-rover




  1. Python Interpreter to be installed on the machine where this utility is planned to be run. Python can be downloaded from https://www.python.org/downloads/


  1. Run the following command to install the package

     pip install da-rover


  1. Utility can be run using the command below

  2. Use one of the command below to list the possible command line arguments

    rover -h
    rover --help
  3. Usage

     rover [-h] [-v] [-p PATH] [-s SOURCE] [-m MODULE] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
         -p PATH     Path of input and output files
         -s SOURCE   Source System of input file (ARD or ALM)
         -m MODULE   Source Module of input file (Tests or Defects)
         -i INPUT    Name of Input file
         -o OUTPUT   Name of Output file
  4. Below are example commands

     rover -p C:/work -s ard -i ard.xlsx -o octane.xlsx
     rover -p C:/work -s alm -m tests -i alm.xlsx -o octane.xlsx
     rover -p C:/work -s alm -m defects -i alm.xlsx -o octane.xlsx