An Okta command line interface for scripting and quickly performing routine tasks

okta, cli
pip install okta-cli==14.0.0




This is a python-based CLI tool for Okta. It is not made or maintained by or in any way affiliated with anyone working at Okta. It is mainly driven by the personal needs of its author, although the feature set is becoming quite complete now.

It basically is a CLI wrapper around the Okta REST API.

NOTE: This is not the same as Okta's own okta CLI interface. The latter is apparently used for setting up the source for development projects.


  • A Mac or Linux machine, it might work on Windows (untested)
  • Python 3.7+, for the change log see CHANGES.rst.
  • unfortunately Python 3.11 is not yet supported due to a dependency.


Mac & homebrew

brew tap flypenguin/okta-cli
brew install okta-cli

All others

  • create a python virtualenv: mkvirtualenv okta-cli
  • pip install okta-cli
  • start using it: okta-cli config new


Every more complex function should have help texts available: okta-cli users add -h, or maybe okta-cli users update -h or maybe okta-cli apps add -h ... those are probably the most interesting ones.

$ pip install okta-cli                                # install :)

$ okta-cli config new \                               # create a new okta profile
           -n my-profile -\
           -u https://my.okta.url \
           -t API_TOKEN

$ okta-cli -h                                         # get help

$ okta-cli apps -h                                    # get help
$ okta-cli apps adduser \                             # assign an app to a user
           -a my_app_name -u 0109121 \
           -f profile.employeeId

$ okta-cli users -h                                   # get help
$ okta-cli users list --csv                           # list all users as csv
$ okta-cli users list \                               # search users with a query
           -f ' eq ""'
$ okta-cli users update id012345678 \                 # update a field of a user record
$ okta cli users groups adduser \                     # add a user to a group
$ okta-cli users get my-login -vvvvv                  # see http debug output
$ okta-cli users bulk-add add-list.csv                # Bulk-ADD users
$ okta-cli users bulk-update update-list.xlsx         # Bulk-UPDATE users

$ okta-cli features -h                                # get help
$ okta-cli features list                              # list okta server-side features
$ okta-cli features enable "Recent Activity"          # enable an Okta feature
           -g app1_rollout \

$ okta-cli version                                    # print version and exit


Running config new (see above) will store a JSON configuration file in the directory determined by the appdirs module.

CSV / Excel file formats

The commands bulk-add and bulk-update can read from CSV or Excel. Consider this:


  • the first line MUST be a header line (yes, also in Excel).
  • for the command bulk-add there MUST be a profile.login column, and there MUST NOT be an id column.
  • for the command bulk-update there MUST be either a profile.login or an id column, the latter has preference.
  • all other will most probably refer to profile fields, and map to the add/update API call.
  • all columns which do not contain a "." are ignored.


  • There MUST NOT be any formulas.
  • Behavior with more than one sheet is undefined.
  • Apart from that, be aware of number formatting, which is most probably not respected by okta-cli.
  • Otherwise, the same restrictions as for csv files apply.


  • Some fields have value limitations on the Okta side
    • e.g. profile.preferredLanguage must be a valid two-letter country code


In this example, the columns "country" and "gender" are ignored – their name does not contain a ".".

profile.login,profile.firstName,profile.lastName,,gender,profile.streetAddress,profile.zipCode,,country,profile.countryCode,Iosep,Brabben,,Male,7931 Division Point,86983 CEDEX,Futuroscope,France,FR

(those fields are not part of Okta's standard field set, and this is an easy way to exclude columns from being used)

CSV files with only one column

If for any reason you want to create a CSV file with only one column, do it like this:


Note the trailing comma.

Reasoning: okta-cli tries to determine the column separator, and without one ... determination is tricky, and okta-cli will shamelessly crash.


This project uses a few nice other projects: