
Collection of helper functions for use with fabric

pip install omnifab==0.0.1


Omnifab - Library of useful helper functions for fabric

This library contains some helper functions that we have found useful while working with fabric.

The library currently consists of two modules:

  • util - a collection of functions for use in your fabfiles
  • tasks - self contained tasks to help with using fabric

Tasks module

To use this module, add the following to the top of your fabfile:

from omnifab import tasks

And you will see some new tasks in the list when you run fab -l:

  • tasks.vagrant - Allows you to simply run tasks against a vagrant VM
  • - A simple interactive shell for testing out fabric commands

Vagrant task

The vagrant task lets you quickly apply a fabfile to a vagrant vm by including it as the first task in the list. You specify the path to the vagrant project as the first parameter. For example:

fab tasks.vagrant:~/vagrant/myvm task1 task2

This task lets you quickly test out a fabfile without needing to modify it or manually specify the hostname/port/username/key for vagrant.

Util module

This contains a collection of helper functions for use in your fabric tasks:

  • test - run a bash test
  • runs_ok - quick wrapper around a shell command, return True if the command returns successfully.
  • mkdir - Ensure a directory exists, and do nothing if it does
  • get_homedir_location - guesses where user home directories are stored based on a heuristic.
  • git_remote - ensure a given git checkout has a remote set up