
NLP question answering service

NLP, question-answering_service, Flask-app, nlp-machine-learning, question-answering, xlnet
pip install onpoint==0.6


Project Demo Slides

Package: new release coming soon.

OnPoint: A Question Answering Service leveraging user reviews

image of pipline

OnPoint is a question answering service which levearages product user reviews. OnPoint saves you lots of time when you try to look for a product detail by providing you a short answer in seconds.

This repository explores the application of XL-Net on user review based question answering service. The base model and algorithm was inspired and based upon the XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding link and renatoviolin/xlnet link repo.

The directory structure of this repo is the following:

  • onpoint : contains all the source code
  • tst : contains all the unit tests
    • data : contains data for unit test
  • configs : contains config files for hyperparameters during finetuning and evaluation



git clone https://github.com/hairong-wang/OnPoint.git
cd OnPoint


  1. tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0-rc1
  2. absl-py==0.8.0
  3. Flask==1.1.1
  4. pip

Environment setup


Steps to run

Step1: Configuration

All files in OnPoint/onpoint/bin need configuration. Here's one example to change path:

SQUAD_DATA_DEV_S3_KEY='squad 2.0/dev-v2.0.json'

Step2: Prepare and Preprocess

- Download dataset

Download the dataset you want to use for finetuning. The datasets used in this project are:

  • The Squad dataset is used in this proeject.
  • The manual sampled and labeled AmazonQA and preprocessed dataset is available at Google Cloud Storage Buckets/xlnet_squad2/data/amazon, you can access the bucket from here.

- Download model checkpoints

  • The model checkpoints is available at Google Cloud Storage Buckets/xlnet_squad2/experiment/squad_and_amazon_8000steps_1000warmup, you can access the bucket from here. So far, the top performance model checkpoint is 'model.ckpt-4000'

- Convert dataset to SQuAD format(Optional)

If you want to try other dataset, it needs to be converted to SQuAD format first.

# Change the INFILE and OUTFILE path
python3 squad_converter.py

- Preprocess data

multi-processing available, need to change 'NUM_PROC=' to the number of core you'll use.

cd onpoint
bash bin/data_processing

Step3: Train model

bash bin/model_building

Step4: Evaluate model

bash bin/model_analysis

Step5: Inference model

bash bin/model_inference

Step6: run the flask app on your local machine

python3 app.py


Final result:

Model Finetune Dataset Validation Dataset AmazonQA Sample Coverage F1
BERT-Large SQuAD 2.0. Augmented AmazonQA 30% 67.34
XLNet-Large SQuAD 2.0. Augmented AmazonQA 40% 66.20
XLNet-Large Augmented AmazonQA Augmented AmazonQA 0% 66.67
XLNet-Large SQuAD 2.0 + Augmented AmazonQA Augmented AmazonQA 50% 69.27