

pip install onslaught==0.1.dev4



Run style and static checks against a python codebase, execute automated tests with coverage.

Specific tests are:

  • PEP8 style.
  • pyflakes static checks.
  • sdist creation and installation.
  • unittests.

It also generates branch-coverage reports.


  • does not require your package's users to install it,
  • has minimal configuration and customization [1],
  • leaves your source directory the way it found it,
  • leaves your base python packages unmodified,
  • ensures your project generates a clean sdist [2],
  • tests the sdist install process [3],
  • runs unittests against the installed process [4],
  • and always generates branch coverage reports.
[1] No tests can be customized or disabled. All packages which pass the onslaught meet the same quality standards. The users current directory has no effect. Where possible, other configurability will be removed.
[2] This is strict: any warning: lines in the sdist creation command are onslaught failures.
[3] So your unittests pass. Great! But does your software install?
[4] Test the "production" form of your code, not dev source.


This is "alpha" code. There are no unittests, which you can see by running the development commit acceptance process I've been using:

$ git clone 'https://github.com/nejucomo/onslaught'
$ cd onslaught
$ pip install .
$ onslaught .


Once it has thorough test coverage and a handful of users have notified me that they've used it successfully, or filed bugs, then I will release '0.1' after fixing a subset of the bugs.


onslaught is a "badge". Tested software conforms to the onslaught, not vice versa. Therefore, a large fraction of software will not pass onslaught tests, especially popular and/or slowly evolving packages. This is fine.

In other words, there should be no reason you don't run it against your codebase. If it fails and your codebase has legacy concerns, c'est la vie. If, on the other hand, you want to achieve and preserve the onslaught badge of awesomeness, then go for it. ;-)

Note: Currently onslaught is a prototype in flux, so take the above with a grain of salt.