
openaps glucosetools plugin

pip install openapscontrib.glucosetools==1.0.0


openaps glucosetools

An openaps plugin for cleaning and parsing glucose sensor data

Build Status


Interpreting recent historical events is a foundational component in any openaps project, and this plugin aspires to be a central place for documenting and testing the parsing of glucose sensor data.

Getting started

Installing from pypi

$ sudo easy_install openapscontrib.glucosetools

Installing from source for development

Clone the repository and link via setuptools:

$ python develop

Adding to your openaps project

$ openaps vendor add openapscontrib.glucosetools
$ openaps device add glucose glucosetools


Use the device help menu to see available commands.

$ openaps use glucose -h
usage: openaps-use glucose [-h] USAGE ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

## Device glucose:
  vendor openapscontrib.glucosetools

  glucosetools - tools for cleaning, condensing, and reformatting history data

  USAGE       Usage Details
    clean     Resolve inconsistencies and ordering from a sequence of glucose
    latest    Returns the latest glucose entry from a sequence of glucose data

Use the command help menu to see available arguments.

$ openaps use glucose clean -h
usage: openaps-use glucose clean [-h] [infile]

Resolve inconsistencies and ordering from a sequence of glucose data

positional arguments:
  infile      JSON-encoded glucose data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Tasks performed by this pass:
 - Removes unknown and erroneous data entries
 - Re-sorts all known values in reverse-chronological order


Contributions are welcome and encouraged in the form of bugs and pull requests.


Unit tests can be run manually via setuptools.

$ python test