
A collection of decorators.

pip install ornamentation==0.5.0



A collection of, hopefully useful, decorators.

See the documentation for more information.

Contributing to this project

Project development setup

Follow these steps to setup your development environment:

  1. Clone the repository. Run git clone https://gitlab.com/chadgh/ornamentation.git.
  2. From within the newly created repository directory, create a virtualenv. Run cd ornamentation && python -m venv venv (or create a virtualenv in your favorite way).
  3. Activate virtualenv. Run source venv/bin/activate (or activate the virtualenv in the way that you like activating virtualenvs).
  4. Install dependencies. Run pip install -r dev_requirements.txt.
  5. Setup pre-commit. Run pre-commit install.
  6. Contribute!

Testing in this project

Running pytest tests.py will run the tests.

The tests can also be run using tox. Simply run tox on the command line and the tests should run for all supported versions of Python.

Merge requests should come with tests to tests that a bug is fixed or that new functionality functions as expected. The CI tests will fail if branch coverage is below 100%.