
a big lib with many usefull tools and it are not only os and sys tools...

pip install os-sys-linux==0.0.0.dev0


update notes:


os_sys.log: get_logger function


fixed some performance issues

working on:

bug fixing, making functions and classes faster and maybe adding threading support follow me on libaries.io for info about new releases






to install os_sys you type: pip install os_sys                                                                                  
to upgrade os_sys you type: pip install --upgrade os_sys                                                                                  
so lets get start to install os_sys                                                                                  


you can read the server docs at https://www.stranica.nl/docs


os_sys is a extra package for python(3)                                                                                  
it's a extra to have a more easy use of the normal python libs                                                                                  
plz look sometimes to my packages becuse i am making more own libs(extra is not that own lib)                                                                                  
if i have more info i while show it here                                                                                   
plz read the license                                                                                  

loading_bars: Easy progress reporting for Python



There are 7 progress bars to choose from:

  • Bar
  • ChargingBar
  • FillingSquaresBar
  • FillingCirclesBar
  • IncrementalBar
  • PixelBar
  • ShadyBar

To use them, just call next to advance and finish to finish:

.. code-block:: python

from os_sys.progress import bar

bar = Bar('Processing', max=20)
for i in range(20):
    # Do some work

or use any bar of this class as a context manager:

.. code-block:: python

from os_sys.progress import bar

with Bar('Processing', max=20) as bar:
    for i in range(20):
        # Do some work

The result will be a bar like the following: ::

Processing |#############                   | 42/100

To simplify the common case where the work is done in an iterator, you can use the iter method:

.. code-block:: python

for i in Bar('Processing').iter(it):
    # Do some work

Progress bars are very customizable, you can change their width, their fill character, their suffix and more:

.. code-block:: python

bar = Bar('Loading', fill='@', suffix='%(percent)d%%')

This will produce a bar like the following: ::

Loading |@@@@@@@@@@@@@                   | 42%

You can use a number of template arguments in message and suffix:

========== ================================ Name Value ========== ================================ index current value max maximum value remaining max - index progress index / max percent progress * 100 avg simple moving average time per item (in seconds) elapsed elapsed time in seconds elapsed_td elapsed as a timedelta (useful for printing as a string) eta avg * remaining eta_td eta as a timedelta (useful for printing as a string) ========== ================================

Instead of passing all configuration options on instatiation, you can create your custom subclass:

.. code-block:: python

class FancyBar(Bar):
    message = 'Loading'
    fill = '*'
    suffix = '%(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds'

You can also override any of the arguments or create your own:

.. code-block:: python

class SlowBar(Bar):
    suffix = '%(remaining_hours)d hours remaining'
    def remaining_hours(self):
        return self.eta // 3600


For actions with an unknown number of steps you can use a spinner:

.. code-block:: python

from os_sys.progress import spinner

spinner = Spinner('Loading ')
while state != 'FINISHED':
    # Do some work

There are 5 predefined spinners:

  • Spinner
  • PieSpinner
  • MoonSpinner
  • LineSpinner
  • PixelSpinner

comming - working to a big update the 2.0.0 release


plz visit my one website there you can post evry program for python that you want:
