
Coding Makes Life Easier

pip install oujago==0.1.14



Coding makes life easier. This is a factory contains commonly used algorithms.


Install oujago using pip:

$> pip install oujago

Install from source code:

$> python setup.py clean --all install

Download data from BaiDuYun:



Available online documents: latest, stable, and stable.

NLP Part

Hanzi Converter


>>> from oujago.nlp import FJConvert
>>> FJConvert.to_tradition('繁简转换器')
>>> FJConvert.to_simplify('繁簡轉換器')
>>> FJConvert.same('繁简转换器', '繁簡轉換器')
>>> True
>>> FJConvert.same('繁简转换器', '繁簡轉換')
>>> False

Chinese Segment

Support jieba, LTP, thulac, pynlpir etc. public segmentation methods.

>>> from oujago.nlp import seg
>>> sentence = "这是一个伸手不见五指的黑夜。我叫孙悟空,我爱北京,我爱Python和C++。"
>>> seg(sentence, mode='ltp')
['', '', '一个', '伸手', '', '', '', '', '', '黑夜', '', '', '', '孙悟空',
'', '', '', '北京', '', '', '', 'Python', '', 'C', '+', '+', '']
>>> seg(sentence, mode='jieba')
['这是', '一个', '伸手不见五指', '', '黑夜', '', '', '', '孙悟空', '', '', '',
'北京', '', '', '', 'Python', '', 'C++', '']
>>> seg(sentence, mode='thulac')
['', '', '一个', '伸手不见五指', '', '黑夜', '', '', '', '孙悟空', '',
'', '', '北京', '', '', '', 'Python', '', 'C', '+', '+', '']
>>> seg(sentence, mode='nlpir')
['', '', '一个', '伸手', '不见', '五指', '', '黑夜', '', '', '', '孙悟空',
'', '', '', '北京', '', '', '', 'Python', '', 'C++', '']
>>> seg("这是一个伸手不见五指的黑夜。")
['这是', '一个', '伸手不见五指', '', '黑夜', '']
>>> seg("这是一个伸手不见五指的黑夜。", mode='ltp')
['', '', '一个', '伸手', '', '', '', '', '', '黑夜', '']
>>> seg('我不喜欢日本和服', mode='jieba')
['', '', '喜欢', '日本', '和服']
>>> seg('我不喜欢日本和服', mode='ltp')
['', '', '喜欢', '日本', '和服']


>>> from oujago.nlp.postag import pos
>>> pos('我不喜欢日本和服', mode='jieba')
['r', 'd', 'v', 'ns', 'nz']
>>> pos('我不喜欢日本和服', mode='ltp')
['r', 'd', 'v', 'ns', 'n']

NN Part

SRU (PyTorch)

Require packages: cupy, pynvrtc, pytorch. Comes from <Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs> .

The usage of SRU is similar to torch.nn.LSTM.

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from oujago.nn.sru import SRU, SRUCell

# input has length 20, batch size 32 and dimension 128
x = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(20, 32, 128).cuda())

input_size, hidden_size = 128, 128

rnn = SRU(input_size, hidden_size,
    num_layers = 2,          # number of stacking RNN layers
    dropout = 0.0,           # dropout applied between RNN layers
    rnn_dropout = 0.0,       # variational dropout applied on linear transformation
    use_tanh = 1,            # use tanh?
    use_relu = 0,            # use ReLU?
    bidirectional = False    # bidirectional RNN ?

output, hidden = rnn(x)      # forward pass

# output is (length, batch size, hidden size * number of directions)
# hidden is (layers, batch size, hidden size * number of directions)

See Language Modeling example: sru_language_modeling.py

Utils Part

Common Utils

Check weather this object is an iterable.

>>> from oujago.utils.common import is_iterable
>>> is_iterable([1, 2])
>>> is_iterable((1, 2))
>>> is_iterable("123")
>>> is_iterable(123)

Time Utils

Get current time.

>>> from oujago.utils.time import now
>>> now()
>>> from oujago.utils.time import today
>>> today()

Change the total time into the normal time format.

>>> from oujago.utils.time import time_format
>>> time_format(36)
"36 s"
>>> time_format(90)
"1 min 30 s "
>>> time_format(5420)
"1 h 30 min 20 s"
>>> time_format(20.5)
"20 s 500 ms"
>>> time_format(864023)
'10 d 23 s'