
This package aims to do Diffusion Map in a parallel way.

pip install pDiffusionMap==0.2.4




This package is created to conduct diffusion map with python and mpi in a user friendly way. This project is written in python with almost standard python package dependence.

Currently this package can handle input from hdf5 files.


This package is developed to use at SLAC and some other supercomputers. Since this is only at a starting stage, I will only write down the usage of this package at the SLAC psana server.

In the diffusion map algorithm, one first calculate the pairwise similarity matrix, and then construct the normalized symmetric Laplacian matrix from the similarity matrix. A user-friendly tutorial of this algorithm is in A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering. After one has obtained the eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix, one use the corresponding values of a specific sample in each eigenvectors as the embedded coordinate of the sample in a low dimensional space and visually inspect this embedded manifold.

With this package, this is finished in this following way.

Start a new project

This package organize each different applications with a specified project folder.

ssh psana
cd /reg/neh/home5/haoyuan/Documents/my_repo/DiffusionMap
python start_a_new_project.py

If is this is the first time you execute these command lines, then you would see a new folder called proj_000 appearing in the repo folder. "000" here represents the id of this project. The script will automatically adjust this number to avoid the same id under this repo folder.


This script only avoid the same id under this repo folder. When you copy this project folder to your own address, you might want to track the id number more carefully.

Specify the parameters

Assume that the experiment folder is /experiment/scratch and that the username is hahaha. Then one might want to move this project folder to this scratch folder

mv /reg/neh/home5/haoyuan/Documents/my_repo/DiffusionMap/proj_000 /experiment/scratch/hahaha/
cd /experiment/scratch/hahaha/ 

One would find three folders under this folder.


The input folder contains file_list.txt and mask.npy. One can specify which hdf5 files to process or which datasets in which hdf5 files to process. More detailed explanations are given in the file_list.txt. The mask.npy is only a test file which is most likely useless. You can specify your own mask file in a way which I'll explain immediately.

By default, the output folder contains the results from this project. You can of course change the output address in a way which I'll explain immediately.

Inside the src folder, there are three python files.

Config.py                  # To Spedify parameters.
WeightMat.py               # To calculate the similarity matrix
EigensSlepc.py             # To construct the symmetric Laplacian matrix
                           # and solve for the eigen-paires.

There are detailed explanations in the Config.py file about the function of each
parameters. By changing the mask_file and output_folder values, you can easily switch to a new mask and new output folder.

Calculate the similarity matrix.

Stay in the /experiment/scratch/hahaha/src folder. Activate the official conda environment ana-1.3.54. Acutally, any current ana environment should work. Also, I would recommend ana-1.3.54-py3 since officially this package only support python3.

bsub -q psfehq -n 48 -R"span[ptile=1]" -o %J.out mpirun --mca btl ^openib python WeightMat.py

Calculate the Laplacian matrix.

Stay in the /experiment/scratch/hahaha/src folder. Activate the my personal conda environment.

conda activate /reg/neh/home/haoyuan/.conda/envs/mypython3

Due to a mismatch between the mpi4py in the official environment and the mpi4py required by packages slec4py and petsc4py, I have to use both the official environment to calculate the similarity matrix.

When you have acitvated my environment for this package, run

bsub -q psanaq -n 8 -R"span[ptile=1]" -o %J.out mpirun python EigensSlepc.py


Go to repo folder. Stay in my conda environment. Open the jupyter notebook and have a look at the Example_AMO86615.ipynb. There are detailed explanations in the notebook as to how to do the visualization.

To select a small region and see several randomly sampled patterns from that region, use the box selection tool.

To select a small region and to save the index of all data points in the region, use the polygon selection tool.


This package depends on the following packages

jupyter notebook

This package has been tested only for python 3.6. There's no guarantee on the result on the other python version.


This package has not been released at pip or conda yet. One has to first install all the dependence manually and then clone this repo. There are several things to notice.

1. To use petsc4py and slepc4py, one needs to make sure that 
   the mpi4py is the conda-forge version. i.e. intall the mpi4py with
   conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py
2. At the beginning of the file WeightMat.py and EigensSlepc.py, I use
   sys.path to make sure that these two files can find the repo position.
   please modify these two values if you want to install your own version
   so that your scripts can find your repo.
3. The jupyter notebook also has the previous dependence problem. The solution
   is again to modify sys.path at the beginning of the notebook.  


Things to do

1. Remove the dependence with dask. I am currely using dask to control the IO.
   when applying masks or doing some other complicated modifications, dask can
   becomes clumsy.
2. Improve the visualization.
3. To enable the user to tune the normalization methods when constructing
   the Laplacian matrix