
Extension to paginate.Page that supports SQLAlchemy queries

pagination, paginate, sqlalchemy
pip install paginate-sqlalchemy==0.3.1


What is pagination?
This module helps dividing large lists of items into pages. The user is shown one page at a time and
can navigate to other pages. Imagine you are offering a company phonebook and let the user search
the entries. If the search result contains 23 entries but you may want to display no more than 10
entries at once. The first page contains entries 1-10, the second 11-20 and the third 21-23. See the
documentation of the "Page" class for more information. 

What does this module do?
The *paginate* module supports list-like objects only. If you want to paginate through SQLAlchemy
objects like Select or ORM-mapped objects then use this module. It provides an SqlalchemyOrmPage
class for that purpose.

How do I use this module with ORM-mapped objects?
See the documentation for *paginate.Page* about how to use pagination. Instead of *paginate.Page*
you just use *paginate_sqlalchemy.SqlalchemyOrmPage *with the same parameters as *paginate.Page*.
Assumed that have an ORM class called *Cars*. You would create a query in your SQLAlchemy session::

    cars_query = session.query(Cars)

Finally you create a page from this query::

    page = paginate_sqlalchemy.SqlalchemyOrmPage(cars_query, page=5)

This *page* object works just like any *paginate.Page* object.

You can find a complete example in the tests/ file of this Python module.