
Extract color palette from images

Extract, color, palette, from, images
pip install paletteExtractor



This program was created for my wife, it extracts an N colors palette of any image sourced to it.

How it was made and how to install?

This program features OpenCV, altought I think I could do it with Pillow, I have more experience with CV2, but due to its easy install I guess I should use Pillow more times.

First you have to install the requirements, that are basically numpy and cv2. I sugest that you download a precompiled version of both, either in the sources for ubuntu or precompiled version for windows/mac... really.

Installation procedure

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install

How to use

You can use the script as a standalone and just feed it with its arguments, or as a package.


image: -i image sourced

colors_palette: -c number of colors to extract

silent: -s silent mode, do not show preview window

Palette Extractor

To use do::

>>> from palette_extractor import *
>>> img = cv2.imread("filename with its path")
>>> colour, res2 = image_segmentation(k = args.colors_palette, image=img)
>>> img2 = palette(colour, res2)
>>> vis = concatenate_images(img, img2)
>>> cv2.imshow('output',vis)