
convenience functions for dealing with vectors in panda dataframes

pip install pandas-vectors==0.1.1



These are a bunch of convenience functions to help with the use of vectors stored in pandas dataframes.

For example, if you have a dataframe with columns of my_vector_x, my_vector_y and my_vector_z then you find yourself writing code like this:

for vector in ['my_vector_x', 'my_vector_y', 'my_vector_z']:
  df[vector[:-2] + '_new' + vector[-2:]] = func(df[vector])

Now, you can write:

import pandas_vectors as pv
for vector,new in zip(pv.indexer('my_vector'), pv.indexer('my_vector_new')):
  df[new] = func(df[vector])

In fact, you can simplify it more:

df = pv.transform(df, 'my_vector', '_new', func)

All the functions that take a vector as an input take a list of vectors.

df = pv.magnitude(df, ['my_vector', 'my_new_vector'])

Functions that take df as the first argument return the modified df.

Don't use _x, _y and _z for your vector names? No problem.

# Set the vector suffixes to the argument given
pv.set_vectornames(['_u', '_v', '_w'])
# There are also some builtin shortcuts
pv.set_vectornames('xy') # ['_x', '_y']
pv.set_vectornames('xyz') # ['_x', '_y', '_z']
pv.set_vectornames('pyr') # ['_p', '_y', '_r']
pv.set_vectornames('PYR') # ['_pitch', '_yaw', '_roll']

This can also be set temporarily using with:

with pv.vectornames('xy'):
  df = pv.magnitude(df, 'my_vector', '_magxy') # only xy magnitude
df = pv.magnitude(df, 'my_vector', '_mag') # xyz magnitude


pandas_vectors is available in the PyPi repository as pandas-vectors.

$ pip install pandas-vectors


0.1.1 Bugfix on function/variable 0.1 Initial Release