Download stacked and/or warp image stamps from the STScI PanSTARRS image server via CL or Python API

astronomy, images, panstarrs
pip install panstamps==0.6.6



Download stacked and/or warp image stamps from the STScI PanSTARRS image server via CL or Python API.

Documentation for panstamps is hosted by Read the Docs ( development version and master version). The code lives on github. Please report any issues you find here.

.. note::
    If working with warped PS1 images then you need to work off a machine that has an IP address whitelisted by the `Pan-STARRS1 data archive <>`_, otherwise only stacked images will be available to you. Also *w*-band images are not (yet) accessible from the data archive.


How to cite panstamps

If you use panstamps in your work, please cite using the following BibTeX entry:

    author = {Young, David R.},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8037665},
    license = {GPL-3.0-only},
    title = {{panstamps}},
    url = {}