
Open source pip module for coronavirus

pip install pansurg==1.0



Open source pip module that enables the user to access coronavirus resources.


pip install pansurg 


All coronavirus papers from the Alan institute can be streamed using the Papers object which itself is a list. To get the papers run the following code"

from pansurg import Papers

papers = Papers()

for paper in papers:
    # do something 

Initially, the papers are directly streamed from the Alan institute so this initializing the Papers object might take a while. Once the first initialization is done, the papers are then saved onto your computer and are accessed locally from there onwards. This still takes some time to load as of the time of reading this there's over 2500 papers, but it's a lot shorter than directly streaming them from the Alan institute every time. The Alan institute updates the papers every friday, so it's advised that you refresh the cache once a week to get the latest papers. This can be done by setting the force_refresh parameter to True:

from pansurg import Papers

papers = Papers(force_refresh=True)


Right now the paper isn't it's own object but a dict which contains the following:

  • paper_id: the id of the paper
  • metadata: contains data about the paper such as the journal title, dates, and authors
  • abstract: abstract of the paper
  • body_text: text of the paper
  • bib_entries: bibliography
  • ref_entries: references
  • back_matter: more meta data like funding, conflict of interest statements etc