
A parser library based on functional combinators (following Haskell's Parsec API).

parser, parsing, functional, combinator, parsec, monad
pip install parsefunc==0.2


Parser combinator library for Python

A recursive descent parser based on functional combinators. API closely follows that of Parsec (a parsing library for Haskell). The library provides the user with a wide range of combinators for building more complex parsers.


Open up your terminal and run:

pip install parsefunc


Suppose we would like to parse and evaluate arithmetic expressions adhering to this simple context-free grammar:

    EXPR   => TERM + EXPR | TERM
    FACTOR => integer | ( EXPR )

Now, we can see that EXPR is just a sum of TERM's and TERM is a product of FACTOR's. High level of abstraction allows us to describe the parsers in terms of what they actually are rather than hardcoding them.

Let's first define parsers for + and *. They would be

    plus, mult = char('+'), char('*')

To parse an expression, we can write

    def parseExpr(s):
        return sepBy(parseTerm, plus)(s)

This returns a list of values returned by parser parseTerm. Since our goal is to write an evaluator, we can add a syntax_tree(f) decorator, which takes a value returned by the parser and applies f to it. Since we have a list of summands, we can apply sum to it to get:

    def parseExpr(s):
        return sepBy(parseTerm, plus)(s)

parseTerm is almost identical to parseExpr, but with multiplication replacing summation. Here's code for it:

    def parseTerm(s):
        return sepBy(parseFactor, mult)(s)

where product = lambda factors: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, factors, 1).

Finally, to parse a FACTOR, we define

    def parseFactor(s):
        return (parens(parseExpr) | integer)(s)

Note Parser decorator instead of syntax_tree. When defining a combinator with a def keyword, it is necessary to decorate it with one of above decorators to make it an object of class Parser. @Parser is equivalent to @syntax_tree(lambda x: x).

Now that we have the description of our small language defined, it is time to call a top-level function parse, which takes a parser, text to parse, and optionally the 'source name'.

    input = '5+(4+3)*(2*4+3)  # == 82
    print parse(parseExpr, input, sourceName='') # == 82

Note that the above implementation does not allow spaces between tokens. For a more rigorous treatment of evaluating arithmetic expressions, please go here.


Please consult, and for a wide range of combinators available.

examples directory contains 2 examples of using the library:

  • an extension to the arithmetic evaluator example laid out above
  • json parser


A more comprehensive documentation is soon to be released.