Parser Tools in Python, a collection of tools for hand writing lexers and parsers.

pip install partpy==1.2.4



Parser Tools in Python (partpy, pronounced Par-Tee-Pie), a collection of tools for hand writing lexers and parsers in python.

There are many parser generators but there isn't much help for those who wish to roll their own parser/lexer as counter-intuitive as that may sound. partpy provides a solid base for hand written parsers and lexers through a library of common tools.

By using partpy as the base for your own parser or lexer the hope is to provide you with an environment where you can dive straight into the language design, recognition and whatever else you need to do without having to figure out how string matching should be done or most of the error handling process.

partpy supports out of the box Cython or RPython compilation for added performance.

Documentation & Usage

All documentation and usage information is hosted at


If you have any suggestions or questions about partpy feel free to email me at

You can check out more of what I am doing at my blog.

If you encounter any errors or problems with partpy, please let me know! Open an Issue at the GitHub main repository.