
A site specific password munger.

pip install passmash==master


Passmash - The Site Specific Password Munger

Passmash produces a unique password for each site you use based on

  • The url (supplied as a command line argument)
  • A password (supplied via an interactive prompt)
  • A keyfile (located at ~/.ssh/passmash.key)


There are two ways to use passmash

  1. Using the pm script.

    The pm script takes a URL (or other identifier) and prompts for a password. It places the derived (generated) password on the clipboard.

     $ pm
    1. On Linux it uses the xclip program.
    2. On MacOS X it uses pbcopy.
    3. On Windows it uses clip.
  2. Invoking the python module directly.

    Alternatively you can invoke the module directly

     $ python -m passmash

    It will pipe the derived (generated) password to stdout (fd 1) and place all other output (such as prompts and error information) on stderr (fd 2).


Install Dependencies

  • Linux [Debian Compatible Instructions]

    • Install Python 2.7.x (Tested, 2.6 may work)

        $ sudo apt-get install python2.7
    • Install pip

        $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
    • [Optional] Install xclip (needed for automatic clipboard copying)

        $ sudo apt-get install xclip
  • Mac OS X

    (If you use a Mac please submit a pull request pointing to resources for this)

    • Install Python 2.7.x (Tested, 2.6 may work)
    • Install pip
  • Windows

    (If you use Windows please submit a pull request pointing to resources for this)

    • Install Python 2.7.x (Tested, 2.6 may work)
    • Install pip

Install Passmash

$ [sudo] pip install --src="$HOME/.src" -e git://


$ [sudo] pip install -U --src="$HOME/.src" -e git://

Setting up the Key File

We recommend the keyfile be random data. The following command generates 512 bytes of data from the unlimited random byte generator.

$ head -c 512 /dev/urandom > ~/.ssh/passmash.key

This command does the same thing but from the slightly more secure limited random byte generator. May be slow.

$ head -c 512 /dev/random > ~/.ssh/passmash.key

Finally, you can use any key length (I recommend 512 bytes as the minimum). This command generates 16384 bytes (16 KB) of data from the unlimited generator.

$ head -c 16384 /dev/urandom > ~/.ssh/passmash.key


usage: passmash [options] url 

    -h, help                     Display this message
    -c, clamp=N                  Don't output more than N characters
    -v, version                  Version information

Hashing Algorithm

h =, password, sha256)
for i in xrange(250000):
return h.digest()