
A python client library to give you a more pleasant experience with pdf-server (https://github.com/nathanielove/pdf-server)

pip install pdf-client==2.0.2


PDF Client

This is a python client library to provide a more pleasant experience with pdf-server

Table of Content


The latest release is pdf-client-2.0.1, released on 10 Sep 2016.

To install the package using pip:

$ pip install pdf-client


Config & API Wrappers

First, create a configuration file config.json in your project directory:

  "base_url": "http://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/",
  "auth_class": "HTTPBasicAuth",
  "auth_args": ["<MY_USERNAME>", "<MY_PASSWORD>"]

Then, create a main.py and try the following:

from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.api import book

config.load_from_file('config.json')    # load configuration
book_list = book.List().execute()       # send HTTP request to RESTful API

The result will be a list of dicts, for example

[{'title': 'Sample Book', 'root_section': 779, 'id': 2}]

Multithreaded Text Processing

First, make sure you have a configuration file as said in the previous section.

Then, create a class that extends TextProcessor:

from pdf_client.multithread.processor import TextProcessor

class ExampleProcessor(TextProcessor):
    def process(self, text, section_id):
        # do some stuff here
        # ...
        return text

Finally, create a worker and start:

from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.multithread.worker import MultiThreadWorker
from demo import ExampleProcessor       # the one we just created

config.load_from_file('config.json')    # load configuration

processor = ExampleProcessor()          # the text processor we just created
worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=processor
                           book=3,              # book id
                           threads=10,          # total no. of threads
                           create=True,         # create a new version
                           name='New Version')  # new version name

completed = worker.start()  # start the worker and return an iterator
for future in completed:    # the iterator will loop in the order of completion
    section_id, text = future.result()
    print('Completed section ID: {id}'.format(id=section_id))

Module pdf_client.config


This method loads a json file as global configuration.

There are three fields in the json file:

  • base_url: the base url of the pdf server. (e.g. "" if you are running the django server on localhost)
  • auth_class (optional): one of the classes in request.auth package - HTTPBasicAuth, HTTPDigestAuth or HTTPProxyAuth
  • auth_args (optional): arguments to be passed into the constructor of auth_class

Update Configuration at Runtime

There are methods to be called at runtime to load/update the global configuration:

  • set_base_url(base_url)
  • set_auth(auth) - see "Authentication" from package requests
  • set_basic_auth(username, password), as a shortcut

Class MultiThreadWorker


Text processing jobs are pretty similar. They always do the following:

  1. Specify a root node to start with, then recursively,
  2. Get the immediate text from a section with a specific "source" version ID
  3. Process/digest the text
  4. Optionally, post the processed text back to the server, with a specific "target" version ID.

Hence, the MultiThreadWorker in pdf_client.multithread.worker module implements the typical workflow, and handles all the details for you.

Parameters in Constructor

Parameter Type Explanation
processor TextProcessor An object of any subclass of TextProcessor
threads int Total number of threads used in parallel.
The default value is 10.
book int The book id to start as the root section.
If this parameter is left blank, the section parameter must be present.
section int The section id to start as the root section.
If book is present, this parameter will be ignored.
source int The source version id, used by the worker to get the text content from the server.
If blank, the first version id ("Raw" by default) returned in the /version/list/ API will be used.
target int The target version id, used by the worker to post the processed texts back to the server.
If left blank, the worker will check the create parameter.
If both this parameter and create are blank, the worker is in read-only mode, and no text will be posted to the server.
create bool Set it True to create a version on the server as target.
If target is present, this parameter will be ignored, and no version will be created on the server.
name string The name of the version to be created.
This parameter must be present together with create.


Call this method to start the worker immediately.

It will return an iterator over concurrent.futures.Future objects, in the order of completion. Under the hood, it returns the result of concurrent.futures.as_completed(). Let's consider this example:

completed = worker.start()
for future in completed:
    section_id, text = future.result()
    print("Completed {id}".format(id=section_id))

Although the text processing jobs are submitted to the worker threads by pre-order tree traversal, they may complete in a different order, since network IO may take different amount of time. So the for loop here gives whichever Future completes first, and blocks when waiting for the threads, until there is one completed.

However, if you pass incorrect values or combinations of parameters to the constructor, an empty list will be returned. To check this, you can either enable logging (see the section below), or do this:

completed = worker.start()
if not completed:
    # do something to handle error
    # do things as expected


Since the text processing may take a really long time, you can use logging to monitor the progress or record anything that went wrong.

DON'T use print() to show the progress while looping through the Futures. Instead, enable INFO-level logging of this module:

import logging
import pdf_client


The logs generated in this module are pretty comprehensive. They contain the progress and any exception that occured.

Package pdf_client.api

This package provide wrapper modules for the APIs in the pdf-server project.

Basically, for whatever parameter in the URLs, just pass them to the constructor in order. For example,

from pdf_client.api import version, book, content

version.Detail(3)           # ==> /version/detail/3/
book.Toc(2)                 # ==> /book/toc/2/
content.Immediate(3260, 3)  # ==> /content/immediate/3206/3/

For json data in request message body, use keyword arguements in the constructor. For example,

version.Update(5, name="Another Name")

Please refer to Appendix to see more example on the argument keywords.

Then, by calling execute() on the object you created, the library will send the HTTP request to the RESTful server. It will return the python list or dict object (or just string for content module) if the RESTful API returns anything.

If the operation is successful and the API does not return anything (e.g. delete a version), it will return True. If anything goes wrong (any exception, error, or the API returns a different status code than expected) within the execute(), it will return False


More Examples on pdf_client.api Modules

Create a version:

from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.api import version

version.Create(name="My New Version").execute()

Post text to the server:

from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.api import content

content.Post(3235, 20, text="my new text").execute()

More Examples on MultiThreadWorker Constructor

Get the entire book in the default version:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(), book=3)

Or start from a specific section and then all its descendants:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(), section=680)

Specify how many threads to use:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),

Read a specific version:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),

Write the processed texts to a specific version:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),

Create a version to save the processed texts:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),
                           name="My New Version")

Put everything together:

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),
                           name="My New Version")

Or maybe

worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=ExampleProcessor(),

Template: Multithreaded Text Processing

import re
import logging

import pdf_client
from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.multithread.worker import MultiThreadWorker
from pdf_client.multithread.processor import TextProcessor

class MyProcessor(TextProcessor):
    def process(self, text, section_id):
        # do something here
        return text

def main():
    # enable INFO level logging

    # load global config

    worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=MyProcessor(), book=3, create=True, name="Another version!")

    completed = worker.start()
    for future in completed:
        section_id, text = future.result()
        # handle the results

if __name__ == '__main__':

Template: Download a Whole Book

from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.api import book
from pdf_client.api import content

def main():
    # load global config

    # specify what to download
    book_id = 1
    version_id = 4

    # get book details
    book_data = book.Detail(book_id).execute()
    root_section = book_data['root_section']

    # get aggregate text
    text = content.Aggregate(root_section, version_id).execute()

    # save to file
    with open(my_book['title'] + '.txt', 'w+') as file:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Template: Download All Sections of a Book in Individual Files

import logging

import pdf_client
from pdf_client import config
from pdf_client.multithread.processor import TextProcessor
from pdf_client.multithread.worker import MultiThreadWorker

class SectionDownloader(TextProcessor):
    def process(self, text, section_id):
        with open("{id}.txt".format(id=section_id), 'w+') as file:
        return text

def main():
    # enable INFO level logging

    # load global config

    # create a worker and start
    worker = MultiThreadWorker(processor=SectionDownloader(), book=3, threads=20)

if __name__ == '__main__':