
Information extraction and named-entity recognition for indexing PDFs

pdf, ner
pip install pdfner==0.1.1



Information extraction and named entity recognition for indexing PDFs

Install NLP tools

  1. Download language-specific model data in spaCy
        $ python -m spacy download en
  2. Download Stanford CoreNLP from https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/download.html and extract to {project root}/pdfner/tests/tools

Install OCRmyPDF



pip install pdfner


Processing a PDF

from typing import List
from pdfner import *

# Each page of the PDF is processed to an NerDocument.
processed_pdf: List[NerDocument] = process_pdf('scanned.pdf', entities_detector=SpacyDetectEntities())
print(f"Extracted text: {processed_pdf[0].text}")
print(f"Detected entities: {processed_pdf[0].entities}") 

Indexing with Elasticsearch

import simplejson as json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()

# NerDocument implements for_json function for easy serialization with simplejson.
doc: NerDocument
for doc in processed_pdf:
    res = es.index(index='pdfner', id=doc.id, body=json.dumps(doc, for_json=True))

Indexing with Solr

import pysolr
# Collection "gettingstarted" auto created by: solr -c -e schemaless
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted', always_commit=True)

# encode returns NerDocument object as dict which is required by pysolr 
solr.add([doc.encode() for doc in processed_pdf])



A function that converts a scanned PDF to a text-based PDF and applies the NER detector object to the text to extract entities. Returns a list of NerDocument objects.

  • filepath: str - path to PDF file
  • make_thumbnail: Optional[bool]=False - whether to create a thumbnail PNG for the first page
  • cache_entities: Optional[bool]=False - whether to cache entities to the local filesystem
  • parallelize_pages: Optional[bool]=True - whether to process multiple pages in parallel
  • out_filepath: Optional[str]=None - optional location of resulting processed PDF
  • entities_detector: AbstractDetectEntities - named argument for NER detector object (SpacyDetectEntities, CoreNlpDetectEntities)
  • **kwargs - additional named arguments to attach to the returned NerDocument objects


Roll your own NER detector by subclassing AbstractDetectEntities and overriding detect_entities.

  • detect_entities(text: str, **kwargs) - extract entities from input text and returns a list of NamedEntity objects


A class representing a single page of a processed PDF.

  • id: str - auto-generated random UUID
  • text: str - text extracted from PDF page
  • page_number: int - PDF page number
  • entities: List[str] - entities extracted from PDF text
  • processed_location: str - location of processed PDF
  • original_location: str - location of original PDF
  • redacted_location: str - location of redacted PDF
  • thumbnail_location: str - location of thumbnail PNG for first page of processed PDF
  • **kwargs - additional named arguments to store with object
Instance methods
  • encode() - returns dict representation of object
  • for_json() - for simplejson to serialize object to JSON
Class methods
  • decode(d: Dict) - object_hook function for simplejson's loads function to deserialize JSON to a proper NerDocument object