
Simple bibliography manager

doi, bibtex, pdf, bibliography
pip install pdfs==0.1.0



Simple Bibliography Database


This tool manages article PDFs. This tool is based on two working principles. First, DOIs are central. Only documents with a DOI can be stored in the database. All metadata is acquired through the Crossref API through DOIs scraped from the PDF or entered by the user. Second, document repositories are local to a directory hierarchy. For example, if I have a project based in ~/projects/foo, I can create a document repository by

cd ~/projects/foo
pdfs init

This creates a new direcory in ~/projects/foo called articles. All PDFs imported into the database will be copied here. Running pdfs in ~/projects/foo, or any directory below it will use the repository at ~/projects/foo/articles.


usage: pdfs command ...
Command Description
add Import new PDF into repository
aux2bib Read LaTeX .aux file and dump a .bib file
bibtex Dump bibtex for keys
edit Edit bibtex, metadata and file attachments
import Import entries from other database
info Print information about current repository
init Initialize new document repository
list List all items in database
search Search full text of PDF
view View article PDF and attachements
watch Watch a directory for new pdf files to add
www Spin up http server

Command line completion

Command line autocomplete support via argcomplete.

To start quickly with zsh:

autoload bashcompinit
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pdfs)"