
Peloton Cycle's Bloomin fast Bloomfilters - Python 2 & 3 compatibility

pip install peloton_bloomfilters_py3==0.0.2


Bloomin fast Bloomfilters from Peloton

peloton_bloomfilter.SharedMemoryBloomfilter is the easiest to use, fastest bloomfilter implementation for cPython.

Note: This is a fork of adding compatibility with Python 3.

It can be installed with:

pip install peloton_bloomfilters_py3


Bloomfilters are probabilistic data structures supporting basic object membership testing. Objects are added to bloomfilters with the add method and tested for membership with the in operator. A bloomfilter reporting False to an in query is guaranteed to not have the object; a bloomfilter reporting True likely has the tested object subject to a tunable false positive rate.

peloton_bloomfilters implements three bloom-filter classes; BloomFilter is a plain old bloomfilterfor single threads or gevent apps; ThreadSafeBloomFilter releases the GIL and uses __atomic_or_fetch to prevent lost bits during writes and SharedMemoryBloomfilter supports the creation of bloomfilters that are shared between processes in real time using files and mmap

To create a bloomfilter object you merely import the module and call it with two or three parameters: the file name to hold the shared memory mmap object, the capacity of the bloomfilter and its false positive rate.

>>> from peloton_bloomfilter import *
>>> bf = BloomFilter(1000, 0.001)
>>> tsbf = ThreadSafeBloomFilter(1000, 0.001)
>>> smbf = SharedMemoryBloomfilter("/tmp/filter", 1000, 0.001)

Adding and testing membership against a bloomfilter works exactly like a set, except a bloomfilter cannot be enumerated.

>>> smbf.add(1)
>>> 1 in smbf
>>> 2 in smbf

Note that add returns False. SharedMemoryBloomfilter has a limited capacity; before each add the remaining capacity is tested an if its insufficient the bloom-filer will be cleared prior to performing the add and True is returned

len() reports the number of items stored in the bloomfilter since created or last cleared.

>>> len(smbf)

bloomfilters may be explicitly cleared.

>>> smbf.clear()
>>> 1 in smbf
>>> len(smbf)


peloton_bloomfilter.SharedMemoryBloomfilter is the fastest cPython bloomfilter implementation known to its authors. How fast? Here we benchmark peloton_bloomfilter against pybloomfiltermmap-0.3.14 in their ability to add and test membership for member and non-member objects against a 1,000,000 capacity bloomfilter for varying false error rates.

Both libraries were compiled with gcc-4.8.5, CFLAGS="-mtune=native -march=native" on Unbuntu 14.04 running on a Dell XPS 13 with 16Gb Ram and a dual core Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6560U CPU @ 2.20GHz and cpupower frequency-set -g performance. Times are in nanoseconds.

1,000,000 adds

1/p     peloton   pybloommap
10        139       276
100       184       394 
10000     431       459
1000000   693       757

1,000,000 membership tests, existing items

1/p     peloton   pybloommap
10        87        224
100       114       352
10000     307       424
1000000   523       671

1,000,000 membership tests, absent items

1/p     peloton   pybloommap
10        81        209
100       82        222
10000     102       159
1000000   119       179