
Blasting down the door to the Amazon API Gateway

pip install petard==0.1.0



"For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard..." - William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

Petard provides a simple Python interface for the Amazon API Gateway service. The API Gateway uses a style of API that is very different than other Amazon Web Services, so it has taken much longer for the official SDK's to provide support for the service.

Because I had an urgent need to have a Python library for API Gateway, I have created this small library that builds upon the mechanisms in botocore to provide a rough interface. I'm sure the official SDK's will soon support API Gateway and when they do this library will not be of much use to anyone. But in the meantime, if it helps you in any way you are more than welcome to it.

How does this work?

This library uses boto3/botocore to do the heavy lifting of making requests and handling responses. However, botocore is data-driven and requires a model of each service that it supports to be supplied in JSON format.

To convince botocore to send requests to API Gateway we need a JSON data model. Usually these models are generated automatically from the canonical description of the service within AWS. Since we don't have that, petard hand-codes a JSON data model for API Gateway. It then adds its data directory to the path of directories that botocore searches to find models. In addition, to avoid having to manually define the shapes of all of the JSON output structures, all data is returned as a blob of JSON (convered to Python structures) exactly as it is returned by the service. To accomplish this, petard attaches an event handler to botocore to manipulate the result before returning it to you.

The main downside to the hand-coded data model (aside from the pain of creating it) is that its correctness cannot be guaranteed. So, there are undoubtedly errors and and the moment no tests have been constructed. Once the data model is mostly fleshed out, I will create a set of integration tests to test the library against the service.

What's Currently Supported

Currenlty, there are CRUD interfaces for the following resources:

  • ApiKey
  • BasePathMapping
  • Deployment
  • DomainName
  • Integration
  • Method
  • Model
  • Resource
  • RestApi
  • Stage


Via pip:

$ pip install petard

Or from Github:

$ git clone
$ cd petard
$ python install


To use petard, create a client for the API Gateway service:

>>> import petard
>>> client = petard.get_client(profile_name='foo', region_name='us-west-2')
>>> client.list_api_keys()
{'Resource': `a Resource object`,
 'ResponseMetadata': { 'http status and stuff' }}

The Resource key contains a petard.resource.Resource object that encapsulates the data returned from the service and tries to make it a bit easier to use.

For each resource that is supported, a basic CRUD interface is created. So, for example for the RestApi resource you have these methods available in the client:

  • list_rest_apis()
  • get_rest_api(restapi_id=a restapi id)
  • create_rest_api(name='foo', description='bar')
  • delete_rest_api(restapi_id=a restapi_id)

For the create methods, the goal is to name the parameters the same as they are defined in the Amazon API Gateway API documentation.