
Simple django-rest implementation to store files in a plethora of storage engines

pip install phialapi==0.0.2


Phial API

Phial API is a project that exposes a consistant way to interact with multiple storage engines. It leverages django-rest-framework for file uploading, parsing and all the goodies that DRF offers, as well as django storages to add to django's storage engine's.

With Fig/Docker

# Grab the code
git clone && cd flex-api
# spin up the initial containers (this should throw some db errors, django isn't installed)
fig up
# Create a throw-away container and install django / app tables / super user
fig run --rm web syncdb
# re-create containers
fig up
#App should be running on localhost:8080 via forwarded docker port.

Manual setup

If you insist on building this manually, be my guest, but its by far easier to learn/install/use Docker and fig. Before you can do this I'd suggest working in virtualenv with python-2.7.

Install psql/psychopg2 deps on Ubuntu (look here for other instuctions):

    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
    apt-get update -y && \
    apt-get install -y libpq-dev

Install python packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Set env variables

    export AWS_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY='keep me secret!'
    export AWS_UPLOAD_CLIENT_KEY='who cares if i am secret'
    #not the entire ARN resource, just the bucket name
    export AWS_EXPECTED_BUCKET='your-bucket'

Sync/Run it...

    ./ migrate
    ./ collectstatic
    ./ runserver