
Read the data from pimoroni BME680 and display on pimoroni SPI screen

pip install pi-weatherstation==0.0.5


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Read the data from pimoroni BME680 and display on pimoroni SPI screen

Sensors assembled

Grafana dashboard


Install on RaspberryPI

  • Enable SPI and I2C
  • Install the dependencies
sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev libatlas-base-dev wkhtmltopdf libopenjp2-7
  • Create the folder to store the virtualenv
mkdir pi_weatherstation

cd pi_weatherstation
  • Create the virtualenv and activate it
python3 -m venv .env

source .env/bin/activate
  • Install the via pip with the sensors dependencies
pip install pi_weatherstation\[st7789,bme680\]
  • Run
pi_weatherstation -l debug

Config file

You can copy the example config file from https://github.com/guilhermef/pi_weatherstation/blob/main/examples/config.ini

The field metrics_location_label will be added as a location label on prometheus.

Then you can run pi_weatherstation -c <path to config.ini>

Long term data storage

This will also start a prometheus metric server that you can use to scrape. You can configure a label name location if you have multiple instances.

Install Prometheus on RaspberryPI

Create a free account on Grafana Cloud

Copy the existing prometheus.yml file to scrape the local pi_weatherstation, and add your remote_write auth on it. https://github.com/guilhermef/pi_weatherstation/blob/main/examples/prometheus.yml

Import the example dashboard on your new Grafana: https://github.com/guilhermef/pi_weatherstation/blob/main/examples/grafana_dashboard.json

Running as a service

If you want, you can use the systemd service unit file as an example https://github.com/guilhermef/pi_weatherstation/blob/main/examples/pi_weatherstation.service to /etc/systemd/system/pi_weatherstation.service

then, run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable pi_weatherstation.service
sudo systemctl start pi_weatherstation.service