
A 2D graphics API that mimics the Processing API

pip install piefish==0.1.9a0



PyVis is a 2D graphics API that mimics the Processing API.


  1. Download the repository as a .zip file.
    OR use pip to install it from PyPI (and skip all other installation steps, unless you want to try out the example):

    pip install piefish
  2. Copy and paste all .py files into your project folder.

  3. Make sure you've got all of the required pip packages installed:

    • pygame
    • colorama

How to use

Main script setup

First of all, you need to import the pyvis.py file:

    import pyvis

Note: since all functions for drawing are part of the pyvis namespace, you might want to use import pyvis as pv instead.

After that, you can initialize PyVis by calling the 'init()' method:


The nice thing about PyVis is that the update loop is already setup for you. The only thing you need to do is add your functions to the update loop by adding them to a function pool.

Function pools are lists of functions that get called at a certain point in the kernel loop. For example, the "draw"-pool gets called every frame, whilst the "setup"-pool only gets called at the start of the program.

You can add functions to a function pool as follows:

@pyvis.kernel.pool("draw", 1)
def yourFunction():
    # Do something

The number after the name of the draw pool indicates the priority of that function in the pool. Functions with a higher priority will be executed before others.

To start the kernel loop, add this line at the end of your main script:


Your final script should look like this:

import pyvis as pv


def onSetup():
    # do something

def onDraw():
    # do something


All functionality is included in the example, and you can use it as a reference to create your own application.

PyVis 0.1.8a

Change log

  • PyVis is now a PyPI package!
  • Renamed package to piefish to remove name conflicts (I had to come up with something..)
  • Some other minor stuff


  1. 0.1.8a1
    • updated this file

PyVis 0.1.5a

Change log

  • Further improvements in kernel loop.
  • Added splash screen.
  • Expanded functionality in fps monitoring.
  • Improved and added log messages.
  • Command line colors! :D

PyVis 0.1.3a

Change log

  • Improved kernel loop performance.
  • Fullscreen now works properly.