
A tool to install python packages from Github.

pip install pipgh==0.0.6



Why can't we use Github as a means to share our Python code directly?

pipgh searches and installs Python packages from Github. You can further cite a specific branch, release or commit's hash value. This makes the deployment of your Python package as simple as a commit to your repository.

It also allows to inspect the metadata of a repository or to look at a singular field, which is very handy for stuff like this:

$ git clone `pipgh show --clone-url docopt/docopt`

Pure Python code, without dependencies. 2 and 3 compatible.


You can download this repository from github and install it in your environment with:

$ python setup.py install

You can also go to PyPI and install from the latest version available their:

$ pip install pipgh


pipgh [--auth] search <query>...
pipgh [--auth] show [--<key>...] <full_name>
pipgh install ( (<full_name> [<ref>]) | (-r <requirements.txt>) )
pipgh [-h | --help | --version]

SEARCH for individual packages:

$ pipgh search requests
Searching github.com for 'requests language:python'...
kennethreitz/requests Python HTTP Requests for... (★:17198 f:2998 u:2016 Jan 22)
requests/requests-oauthlib OAuthlib support for P... (★:517 f:146 u:2016 Jan 12)
kennethreitz/grequests Requests + Gevent = <3 (★:1246 f:153 u:2015 Nov 21)
requests/requests-ntlm NTLM authentication support ... (★:65 f:32 u:2015 Oct 31)
bulkan/robotframework-requests Robot Framework keyw... (★:81 f:58 u:2016 Jan 13)
[2226 repositories were found, showing the first 30]
$ pipgh search docopt

Searching like this:

$ pipgh search http async server

is equivalent to search

http async server language:python

with your web-browser on github.com/search.

INSTALL a package from the latest commit on the master branch:

$ pipgh install docopt/docopt
Fetching files from 'docopt/docopt'...
Installing python package 'docopt-0.6.1'...

Install a specific version of the code using a reference (e.g. release, commit's hash value or branch):

$ pipgh install kennethreitz/requests v2.9.1
$ pipgh install mitsuhiko/flask 23cf923c7c2e4a3808e6c71b6faa34d1749d4cb6
$ pipgh install tornadoweb/tornado stable

Or install a list of packages from a file:

$ cat requirements.txt
docopt/docopt 0.6.2
$ pipgh install -r requirements.txt

SHOW a repository metadata and its README file with this:

$ pipgh show docopt/docopt
$ pipgh show docopt/docopt | less   # also works

Or show a specific metadata field with:

$ pipgh show --clone-url docopt/docopt

Which is useful to, for example, shortcut the git clone command:

$ git clone `pipgh show --clone-url docopt/docopt`