
A zero boilerplate neopixel control library for the Raspberry Pi

pip install pixel-zero==0.0.3


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Welcome to the PixelZero repository!

A zero boilerplate neopixel control library for the Raspberry Pi


PixelZero can be downloaded to your Raspberry Pi via PyPi. This will install the library so you can use it with Python 3. We are also working on a one line installer that will install the library and expamples, but this is not ready yet. To install, fire up Terminal which you'll find in Menu > Accessories > Terminal on your Raspberry Pi desktop, which is shown below:

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In the terminal window you have just opened, type the command below to install the library (if you get any errors, check for spelling mistakes):

sudo pip3 install pixel-zero


If you want to contribute, you should first clone this repository, cd to the library directory on your Raspberry Pi, and then run:

sudo python3 setup.py install

Don't forget to submit a pull request when contributing, this is the best way for your code to get merged!