
Migrate software from one system to another

pip install platform-migrator==1.1.0


Platform Migrator

Platform Migrator is an application to migrate software from its current system to a different system. System here is defined by the package managers that will be used to install any required packages.


To run Platform Migrator, you will need Python 2.7 or greater on the base system, i.e. the system which currently has the software, and Python 3.5 or greater on the target system, i.e. the system to which the software has to be migrated. Currently, only Linux based operating systems are supported. It may work on other OSes but has not been tested.

Platform migrator should be installed on the target system only. It will copy the necessary files over to the base system as required.

Platform Migrator can be installed from PyPI with

pip3 install --user platform-migrator

or from this git repo with

git clone
cd platform-migrator
python3 install --user


The application is executed in 4 steps:

  1. Configure the application as per the docs.

  2. Start the server on the target system with platform-migrator server start. See the docs for complete set of options available.

  3. On the base system, execute the following on the command line:

    curl http://<server-name>:<server-port>/migrate > python

  4. Back on the target system, run platform-migrator migrate <name> <config>. The docs have the full set of options for this as well.

If the migration was successful, the software will be saved in the configured output directory.


Documentation for the project is available at and also in the docs/ directory of this repository.


This application was written with the support and guidance of Prof. Dennis Shasha and Prof. Cristophe Pradal as part of a capstone project at New York University.