
Python module to push data to the Pervasive Nation IoT network. It saves data locally until there is internet access.

pip install pndatapush==0.0.2



Python module to push data to the Pervasive Nation IoT network. It saves data locally until there is internet access.

To install

pip install --upgrade pndatapush

To run an example

python examples/

Easiest way to add to your project

Create an instance of the Offline class.

from pndatapush.offline import Offline
from pndatapush.pushdata import PNPushData
#Set the PervasiveNation Auth token
pnpushdata = PNPushData(pervasivenation_authtoken="MYREALLYLONGTOKENIGOTSECRET")
offline = Offline(payload_consumers=[pnpushdata])

OR if you want to use environment variables:

#set your PervasiveNation Auth token by using an environment variable before starting your applicaiton
from pndatapush.offline import Offline
from pndatapush.pushdata import PNPushData
offline = Offline(payload_consumers=[PNPushData]) #PNPushData is a data consumer class. see pnpushdata.pushdata.PNPushData

AND if you want the local database in your current directory:

import os
from pndatapush.offline import Offline
from pndatapush.pushdata import PNPushData
#Set the PervasiveNation Auth token
pnpushdata = PNPushData(pervasivenation_authtoken="MYREALLYLONGTOKENIGOTSECRET")
#Set the local SQLite DB path
offline = Offline(payload_consumers=[pnpushdata], dbpath='sqlite:///%s/sensordata.db' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

Then when sensor data is received save the data

device_identifier = '12456', 30.00) #save(self, deviceid, payload):