
pip install politico-civic-demography==0.1.2




Gather U.S. Census data for elections, the POLITICO way.


  1. Install the app.
$ pip install django-politico-civic-demography
  1. Add the app to your Django project and configure settings.
    # ...

# demography settings

DEMOGRAPHY_AWS_REGION = 'us-east-1' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_AWS_S3_UPLOAD_ROOT = 'elections' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_AWS_ACL = 'public-read' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_AWS_CACHE_HEADER = 'max-age=31536000' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_API_AUTHENTICATION_CLASS = 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_API_PERMISSION_CLASS = 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser' # default
DEMOGRAPHY_API_PAGINATION_CLASS = 'demography.pagination.ResultsPagination' # default


Running a development server

Move into the example directory, install dependencies and run the development server with pipenv.

$ cd example
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv run python manage.py runserver
Setting up a PostgreSQL database
  1. Run the make command to setup a fresh database.
$ make database
  1. Add a connection URL to example/.env.
  1. Run migrations from the example app.
$ cd example
$ pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Baking Data

This app will bake multi-level census data files to the s3 bucket configured in your settings. The files will bake in the following structure:

  ├── { series } // each census series (e.g. acs5) has its own directory
  │ ├── { year } // each series has a directory for each year
  │ │ ├── { table } // each year has a directory for each table by table code
  │ │ │ ├── districts.json  // national-level data broken up by districts
  │ │ │ ├── states.json  // national-level data broken up by states by district
  │ │ │ ├── { state_fips } // each table has a directory for each state by FIPS code
  │ │ │ │   ├── districts.json // state-level data broken up district
  │ │ │ │   └── counties.json  // state-level data broken up county
  │ │ │ └── ...
  │ │ └── ...
  │ └── ...
  └── ...

The data structure will differ depending on the type of file and the setup of your census tables in the admin. Here are four samples for a data table of "median age" with a "total" code of 001E. In our sample admin we have the code inputted twice: once with a label of total and once with no label.

National Districts File
# upload_root/series/year/table/districts.json
  "10": { # state FIPS code
    "00": { # district number
      "001E": 39.6, # census variable without a label
      "total": 39.6, # census variable with an aggregate variable
  "11": {
    "98": {
      "001E": 33.8,
      "total": 33.8,
  "12": {
    "10": {
      "001E": 35,
      "total": 35,
    "11": {
      "001E": 55,
      "total": 55,
    "12": {
      "001E": 46.3,
      "total": 46.3,
    ... # more districts here
  ... # more states here
National States File
# upload_root/series/year/table/states.json
  "10": {
    "001E": 39.6,
    "total": 39.6,
  "11": {
    "001E": 33.8,
    "total": 33.8,
  "12": {
    "001E": 41.6,
    "total": 41.6,
  ... # more states here
State Districts File
# upload_root/series/year/table/state/districts.json
  "10": {
    "001E": 35,
    "total": 35,
  "11": {
    "001E": 55,
    "total": 55,
  "12": {
    "001E": 46.3,
    "total": 46.3,
  ... # more districts here
State County File
# upload_root/series/year/table/state/counties.json
  "12001": { # county FIPS code
    "001E": 31,
    "total": 31,
  "12003": {
    "001E": 36.5,
    "total": 36.5,
  "12005": {
    "001E": 39.7,
    "total": 39.7,
  "12007": {
    "001E": 41,
    "total": 41,
  ... # more counties here