
pip install populse-db==1.0.0



Build status codecov

Database API for Populse


The documentation is available on populse_db's website


From PyPI:

# A compatible version of Python and Pip must be installed

To install pip:
sudo apt-get install python-pip # Python2
sudo apt-get install python3-pip # Python3

# To install the module:
sudo pip install populse-db # Beware that it is the Pip version corresponding to the good Python version
sudo pipx.x install populse-db # With a precise Pip version
sudo pythonx.x -m pip install populse-db # With a precise Python version

From source:

# A compatible version of Python must be installed
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/populse/populse_db.git /tmp/populse_db
cd /tmp/populse_db
sudo python setup.py install # Beware that it is the good Python version (use pythonx.x to be sure)
cd /tmp
sudo rm -r /tmp/populse_db


import populse_db
from populse_db.database import Database
import populse_db.database


Unit tests written thanks to the python module unittest

Continuous integration made with Travis (Linux, OSX), and AppVeyor (Windows)

Code coverage calculated by the python module codecov

The module is ensured to work with Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.4

The module is ensured to work on the platforms Linux, OSX and Windows

The script of tests is python/populse_db/test.py, so the following command launches the tests:

python test.py (if python/populse_db/ directory has been added to $PATH, or if $PWD in the terminal)

python python/populse_db/test.py (from populse_db root folder)

python -m populse_db.test


  • lark
  • python-dateutil
  • sphinx
  • psycopg2

Other packages used

  • ast
  • copy
  • datetime
  • hashlib
  • operator
  • os
  • re
  • six
  • tempfile
  • types
  • unittest


The whole populse project is open source

Populse_db is precisely released under the CeCILL-B software license

You can find all the details on the license here, or refer to the license file here