
streamlines the configuration of Python logging, includes multiprocessing-safe handlers

logging, config, dictConfig, dict, configuration, multiprocessing, rotating, file, syslog, SMTP, queue, handler
pip install prelogging==0.4.2rc2


README for prelogging 0.4.2rc2

See the full documentation at

prelogging streamlines the process of configuring logging in Python, as provided by the logging package in the Python standard library. It presents a straightforward, consistent API for specifying how you want logging set up — the format of messages, their destinations and loglevels (severity thresholds), and so on. While prelogging aims at clarity and simplicity, it in no way prevents you from using any of logging's features. It's intended for experts and novices alike.

A program logs messages in order to record its successive states, and to report any anomalies, unexpected situations or errors, together with enough context to aid understanding and diagnosis. Messages can be logged to multiple destinations at once — stderr in a terminal, a local file, the system log, email, or a Unix log server over TCP, to cite common choices. Logging is a very sophisticated version of using the print statement for debugging.

Once you've configured logging, using it is easy and powerful. Configuration, then, is the barrier to entry.

prelogging attempts to help you set up logging to give the results you hope for: messages appearing in the formats you want, where you want, when you want (that is, at what times, or under what conditions). prelogging makes some of the more advanced capabilities of logging easily accessible. It even supplies missing functionality: it provides multiprocessing-safe logging to the console, files, rotating files, and syslog.

When logging is correctly set up to your liking, the benefits can be great. When you or a colleague examines a log file, you can more quickly find the information you seek, because each message was written to the place you expect (just once!), under just the circumstances you intended, and in the format you're looking for.

Getting configuration right, however, can be tricky. Infrequent or novice users of the logging package can despair of messages written multiple times to the same or different destinations, to unintended destinations, not when expected, or even not at all. logging is a respectably powerful and complex package whose basic ways of doing things may not be quickly apparent. Understanding how logging works is essential to getting the most out it. prelogging's documentation and examples can help clarify much about logging that may seem murky.


The prelogging package requires only Python 3.4+ or 2.7. It has no external dependencies.

Very little of prelogging's code is sensitive to Python 3 vs 2. To address the few remaining differences, we've used six, sparingly (one decorator, one function, and one constant). The prelogging package includes a copy of the module (presently v1.10.0, for what it's worth), so no separate installation is required.


You can install prelogging from PyPI (the Python Package Index) using pip:

$ pip install prelogging

(Here and elsewhere, $ at the beginning of a line indicates your command prompt, whatever that may be.)

Alternately, you can

  • clone the github repo, or
  • download a .zip or .tar.gz archive of the repository from github or PyPI, and uncompress it

to a fresh directory, change to that directory, and run:

$ python install

Downloading and uncompressing the archive lets you review, run and/or copy the tests and examples, which aren't installed by pip or Whichever method you choose to install prelogging, ideally you'll do it in a virtual environment.

Tests and Examples

The prelogging repository contains the tests/ and examples/ subdirectories.

The tests are as thorough as is reasonable, and achieve from 88% to 100% coverage depending on the module.

The examples illustrate many basic and advanced uses, including several adaptations of examples in the Logging HOWTO guide and The Logging Cookbook. The Guide to Examples in the full prelogging documentation catalogs all the examples and briefly describes each one.

The tests and examples together achieve almost complete coverage.

Using prelogging

With prelogging, you construct a logging configuration dictionary, or logging config dict, a dict in the format expected by logging's dictConfig() function (logging.config.dictConfig(), to be precise).

Logging config dicts are represented in prelogging by the LCDict class. A minimal logging config dict looks like this:

>>> from prelogging import LCDict
>>> LCDict().dump()
{'disable_existing_loggers': False,
 'filters': {},
 'formatters': {},
 'handlers': {},
 'incremental': False,
 'loggers': {},
 'root': {'handlers': [], 'level': 'WARNING'},
 'version': 1}

You can pass this dict to dictConfig(), though it will have no effect: it contains only defaults, and specifies no logging entities so none would be created.

The default values here are the same as logging uses, except for disable_existing_loggers, which logging sets to True. This value determines whether existing loggers are "disabled" or not when dictConfig is called. If you want the logging default value, simply pass the keyword parameter disable_existing_loggers=True to LCDict(). This is (/should be) the only logging default value that prelogging changes.

You call the methods of LCDict on an instance to incrementally build a logging config dict, adding specifications of formatters, filters (if any), handlers, and loggers other than the root if you want any. When adding these descriptions of logging entities, you give them names, and then refer to them by those names in subsequent method calls – for example, when attaching an already-described formatter to a handler, or attaching already-described handlers to a logger. Methods affecting the root (setting its level, attaching handlers) alter the sub-dict 'root'. Adding a formatter, filter, handler or logger adds a new key : value pair to the appropriate sub-dict (with key 'filters', 'formatters', 'handlers', or 'loggers'). The key is the name you're giving the entity; the value will be a sub-sub-dict comprising all the attributes of the entity (e.g. loglevel for handlers and loggers, format string for formatters, and the like).

When you've added all the elements you require, a call to the instance's config() method results in a call to dictConfig(), which configures logging. If you want to change At this point, you are most likely done with the LCDict instance. You access loggers with the logging.getLogger(name) function, as usual, using the names you gave them.

is-a or has-a

The LCDict class, which represents logging config dicts, is a subclass of dict – It doesn't contain a dict, it is one. In ordinary and intended uses, this can be considered an implementation detail: the methods of "LCDict are sufficient to build a logging config dict, without any calls to dict methods. Nevertheless, you really are building a dict, after all, and it would be premature and presumptuous to offer a nanny-API which denies that.

Quick Start

In this section, we'll state some reasonable configuration requirements, and examine three ways of configuring them with prelogging – a first attempt, a more concise revision, and lastly a less concise version. These approaches will let us compare the two ways that logging provides for achieving the same configuration. Finally, we'll see how to leverage ancestry and propagation among loggers so that the same configuration can cover more general situations than first anticipated.

Basic Configuration Example

Let's see how to configure logging with prelogging. Suppose we want the following setup:

Configuration requirements

Messages should be logged to both stderr and a file. Only messages with loglevel INFO or higher should appear on-screen, but all messages should be logged to the file. Messages to stderr should consist of just the message, but messages written to the file should also contain the logger name and the name of the message's loglevel.

The logfile contents should persist: the file handler should append to the logfile, rather than overwriting it each time the program using these loggers is run.

This suggests two handlers, each with a distinct formatter and loglevel – a stderr stream handler with level INFO, and a file handler with level NOTSET. (NOTSET is the default loglevel for handlers. Numerically less than DEBUG, all loglevels are greater than or equal to it.) Both handlers should be attached to the root logger, which should have level DEBUG to allow all messages through. The file handler should be created with mode='a' (append, not 'w' for overwrite) so that the the logfile contents can persist.

Note: Already these requirements exceed the abilities of logging.basicConfig()

when used to configure logging in a single call. Used in that manner, the function can create a stream handler or a file handler, but not both.

Using the example configuration

Once this configuration is established, these logging calls:

import logging
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
# ...
root_logger.debug("1. 0 = 0")"2. Couldn't create new Foo object")
root_logger.debug("3. 0 != 1")
root_logger.warning("4. Foo factory raised IndexError")

should produce the following stderr output – the messages with loglevel INFO or greater, with the simplest formatting:

2. Couldn't create new Foo object
4. Foo factory raised IndexError

and the logfile should contain (something much like) these lines:

root                : DEBUG   : 1. 0 = 0
root                : INFO    : 2. Couldn't create new Foo object
root                : DEBUG   : 3. 0 != 1
root                : WARNING : 4. Foo factory raised IndexError

Creating the example configuration

Here's a first pass at using an LCDict to configure logging as required. We've inserted two "debugging" statements (commented "FYI"), for your enlightenment. After walking through this code, we'll look at a more concise version which takes advantage of various conveniences offerred by LCDict.

from prelogging import LCDict

lcd = LCDict(root_level='DEBUG')
print(isinstance(lcd, dict))    # FYI

lcd.add_formatter('con', format='%(message)s')
lcd.add_formatter('file', format='%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s')
lcd.attach_root_handlers('h_stderr', 'h_file')  # attach handlers to root
lcd.dump()                      # prettyprints the logging config dict (FYI)

This should remind you somewhat of how logging can be set up using the logging API. However, most of these LCDict method calls accomplish more than the logging functions and methods you'd use to create and relate logging entities with the same configuration as this prelogging code achieves. (Below, in the section :ref:`Creating the example configuration less concisely <mimicing_logging_API>`, we'll mimic the logging API, to see that prelogging can be just as granular, arguably to little good effect.)

First we create an LCDict, which we call lcd — a logging config dict with root loglevel 'DEBUG' (the default root loglevel is 'WARNING', as in logging). The next line prints True: an LCDict is a dict.

We add to it a couple of (descriptions of) formatters that the handlers will use, naming them 'con' and 'file'. Next, we add the handlers: first, one named 'h_stderr' which writes to stderr, uses the simpler format we named 'con', and has loglevel 'INFO'; second, a file handler 'h_file', which writes to a file 'blather.log' (in the current directory), and has the default loglevel 'NOTSET'.. add_file_handler takes a mode keyword parameter, which we didn't have to specify, as its default value is 'a' (for append). The last configuration step attaches the two handlers to the root logger.

Finally we configure logging by calling config() on lcd, which basically calls logging.config.dictConfig(self) to create all the specified entities and relationships.

Just before config(), we've called the dump() method to print the logging config dict as a dict. lcd.dump() is basically a call to pprint.pprint(self) – LCDict doesn't override __str__ or __repr__. Here's what that line prints:

{'disable_existing_loggers': False,
 'filters': {},
 'formatters': {'con': {'class': 'logging.Formatter', 'format': '%(message)s'},
                'file': {'class': 'logging.Formatter',
                         'format': '%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s'}},
 'handlers': {'h_file': {'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                         'delay': False,
                         'filename': 'blather.log',
                         'formatter': 'file',
                         'mode': 'a'},
              'h_stderr': {'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
                           'formatter': 'con',
                           'level': 'INFO',
                           'stream': 'ext://sys.stderr'}},
 'incremental': False,
 'loggers': {},
 'root': {'handlers': ['h_stderr', 'h_file'], 'level': 'DEBUG'},
 'version': 1}

This is the dict that's passed to dictConfig() – a triply-nested thicket of curly braces, quotes and colons. Typing or maintaining this, even with more whitespace, seems unappealing. By contrast, prelogging lets you build this dict entity by entity, omitting cruft and clutter.

Note: In prelogging, loglevels are always identified by their names rather than their numeric values – thus, 'DEBUG' not logging.DEBUG, and so on. The values of parameters to prelogging methods that change the logging config dict generally become leaves of the nested dict, and they're mostly strings.

Creating the example configuration more concisely

We can simplify the code further:

from prelogging import LCDict

lcd = LCDict(root_level='DEBUG',

Because handlers are so commonly attached to the root logger, LCDict makes it easy to do that. In this shorter version, lcd is initialized with attach_handlers_to_root=True. As a result, the (specifications of the) two handlers are attached to the root as soon as they're added to lcd; it's no longer necessary to call lcd.add_root_handlers('h_stderr', 'h_file'). (attach_handlers_to_root establishes a default for an LCDict, which can be overridden in any add_*_handler call with the keyword argument attach_to_root.)

No formatters are explicitly created, yet the handlers reference formatters named 'msg' and 'logger_level_msg'. These are a couple of the formatter presets supplied by prelogging. You can add your own formatter presets if the rough dozen supplied don't suit your needs.

If we had called dump() on lcd just before config(), we'd see a dict identical to the one above except for the names of the formatters.

Chaining LCDict methods

The methods of LCDict (and of its superclass LCDictBasic) that change the state of the logging config dict all return self, which makes chaining them possible. We don't even need the lcd variable:


Creating the example configuration less concisely - mimicking the logging API

prelogging lets you make changes to the logging config dict with the same granularity as the logging API requires. For illustration's sake, we'll write our example in a less concise way. Here, each LCDict method does one small thing at a time, corresponding 1-1 with the logging API calls you'd have to use to actually construct the entities:

lcd = LCDict()

lcd.add_formatter('msg', format='%(message)s')
lcd.add_formatter('logger_level_msg', format='%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s')

lcd.set_handler_formatter('h_stderr', 'msg')
lcd.set_handler_level('h_stderr', 'INFO')

lcd.add_file_handler('h_file', filename='blather.log')
lcd.set_handler_formatter('h_file', 'logger_level_msg')

lcd.attach_root_handlers('h_file')  # attach handlers to root


In prelogging, it's usually unnecessary to call the set_handler_formatter or set_*_level methods, and repeated consecutive calls to "attach" methods can generally be coalesced into one call with a list parameter (or eliminated altogether, by passing that list to a prior``add_*`` call).

Adding additional loggers that use the existing handlers

Suppose you later add to your project a module, which will also use logging, via its own logger 'new_module'. If it meets your needs for this logger to use the existing handlers, then you can just use it, no extra configuration required!

For example:

import logging

# ...
# logging has already been configured -- handlers created & attached to root

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)    # __name__ == 'new_module'
# ...
logger.debug("It's 11:11 pm")
logger.error("UH OH!")
# ...

This writes the error message to stderr:

UH OH!!!!

and also appends both messages to the logfile, together with the logger name and level:

new_module          : DEBUG   : It's 11:11 pm
new_module          : ERROR   : UH OH!!!!

Why this works: ancestors and propagation

Ancestors and names

The ancestor relation among loggers is, by default, the simple relation between their dotted names: L1 is an ancestor of L2 iff the name of L1 is a prefix of the name of L2, and no part between dots is split. The parent of a logger is its nearest ancestor. The root, whose name is '', is an ancestor of every logger, and the parent of some. For example, a logger 'foo' is ancestor of '' and '', but not of 'foolserrand'; '' is an ancestor (the parent) of '', but not of 'foo.bargeld' nor of 'foo.bartend.sunday'. Of the loggers just mentioned, only 'foo' has the root logger as parent.

A call to logging.getLogger creates the requested logger just in time, if it doesn't already exist; all subsequent requests to get the logger of the same name will return the same Logger object. Here, the name of the logger requested is 'new_module', the value of __name__ in this module. Like any newly created logger, it has no handlers, its loglevel is 'NOTSET', and logged messages propagate to the handlers of its ancestors (logger.propagate is True). The name of the root logger is simply '' (empty string), and it is the only ancestor of logger. Thus, without any extra work, all messages logged by logger will be sent directly to the root's handlers.

Note: If we attached a handler to this logger (during configuration, or after configuration using the logging API), and if we left the logger's propagate flag set to True, then messages written by this logger would be sent to that handler as well as to the two attached to the root.

Handler classes encapsulated by LCDict

The logging package defines more than a dozen handler classes — subclasses of logging.Handler — in the modules logging and logging.handlers. logging defines the basic stream, file and null handler classes, for which LCDictBasic supplies add_*_handler methods. logging.handlers defines more specialized handler classes, for about half of which (presently) LCDict provides corresponding add_*_handler methods.

.. index:: `logging` handler classes encapsulated

Handler classes that LCDict configures

LCDict provides methods for configuring these logging handler classes, with optional multiprocessing-aware "locking" support in most cases:



stderr StreamHandler
stdout StreamHandler

Easy multiprocessing-safe logging

As shown in the table above, prelogging provides multiprocessing-safe ("locking") versions of the essential handler classes that write to the console, streams, files, rotating files, and syslog.

Additional "batteries" included

Simplified creation and use of filters

Filters allow finer control than mere loglevel comparison over which messages actually get logged. In conjunction with formatters, they can also be used to add additional data fields to messages. Filters can be attached to handlers and to loggers. In fact, the same filter can be attached to multiple handlers and multiple loggers.

There are two kinds of filters: class filters and callable filters. LCDict provides a pair of convenience methods, add_class_filter and add_callable_filter, which are easy to use – and much easier to use than the lower-level LCDictBasic method add_filter.

In Python 2, the logging module imposes a fussy requirement on callables that can be used as filters, which the Python 3 implementation of logging removes. The add_callable_filter method provides a single, sane interface for adding callable filters that works in both Python versions.

Configuration across modules and packages using LCDictBuilderABC

One way for a larger program to configure logging is to pass around an LCDict to the different "areas" of the program, each contributing specifications of its desired formatters, filters, handlers and loggers. (Just what the "areas" of a program are, is in the eye of the developer. They might be all modules, only certain major modules, all or some subpackages, etc.)

This approach is better than having each area of a program configure itself using logging config dicts. A call to dictConfig has the effect of clearing existing handlers from any logger that's configured in the logging config dict. The root logger is always configured in a logging config dict, so root handlers get blown away. By passing around a single dict and finally issuing a single call to configure logging, you avoid such unpleasant surprises.

The LCDictBuilderABC class provides a mini-microframework that automates this approach. Here, ABC stands for abstract base class. Each area of a program only has to define an LCDictBuilderABC subclass and implement the base class's abstract classmethod add_to_lcdict(lcd). Each implementation contributes its specifications by calling methods on lcd. You benefit from prelogging's warnings upon redefinition of an entity or use of an unknown name for an entity that supposedly already exists.

These add_to_lcdict implementations are callbacks: your code doesn't call them directly; rather, they're called by LCDictBuilderABC.build_lcdict(), which is implemented and which you do call.

Some presumably "top-level" area of the program calls the build_lcdict() classmethod of LCDictBuilderABC or a subclass, and that one call takes care of the rest. build_lcdict() creates an LCDict – lcd, say – using the parameters passed to it, passes lcd to every add_to_lcdict() classmethod of LCDictBuilderABC subclasses (roughly speaking), and returns lcd. Note that config() is not called in this process.

Schematic Example

Suppose a program has a module and two other modules and These three modules comprise the "areas" of the program that we want to collaborate in configuring logging.

In main we'll create a concrete builder LCDictBuilder and call its build_lcdict() method. Modules A and B will subclass LCDictBuilder, so the add_to_lcdict() methods of those subclasses will be called after LCDictBuilder.add_to_lcdict. Thus the top-level LCDict builder class can add things which both A and B can use.

A and B will have to be imported by the time build_lcdict() is called; furthermore they will need to import LCDictBuilder. These issues can all be settled, but we will punt on the details and present the skeletal code here as one module:

from prelogging import LCDictBuilderABC

# Top-level concrete builder class
# *You* get to call it LCDictBuilder
class LCDictBuilder( LCDictBuilderABC ):
    def add_to_lcdict(lcd):
        # Add what "main" module needs for logging;
        # add anything to be shared by "A" and "B"

# Builder for area A
class LCDictBuilderA( LCDictBuilder ):
    def add_to_lcdict(lcd):
        # Add what "A" needs for logging;
        # can refer to what "main" added to ``lcd``

# Builder for area B
class LCDictBuilderA( LCDictBuilder ):
    def add_to_lcdict(lcd):
        # Add what "B" needs for logging;
        # can refer to what "main" added to ``lcd``

# In main:

lcd = LCDictBuilder.build_lcdict()
# postprocessing, if any

Next steps

If you've made it this far, we're flattered, and grateful for your interest in prelogging. You probably don't need encouragement to take it for a spin, but ... please take it for a spin!

"Readme"s try to strike a balance between saying too little and saying too much. This one probably falls off that tightrope a few times, erring in both ways. For complete accounts of the topics introduced here, solid explanations of how logging works, and many useful techniques and recipes, please check out prelogging's actual documentation.

Happy logging!