
Local scoreboard and bot to track the President's Cup.

pip install presidentsCTF-bot==0.0.6


President's CTF Bot

A local scoreboard and bot to track the President's Cybersecurity Cup.

Quick Start

pip install presidentsCTF-bot
  1. Install the tool.
  2. Get a baseline configuration with the existing events.
  3. Fetch the scoreboards.

By default this will fetch all the events from the configuration and show any active teams on the scoreboard. If there are no active events you will not be shown anything.

Consult the --help for the full set of options as well as the Examples section below.


  • Track solves over time.
  • Locally annotate known teams.
  • Highlight active teams.
  • Send updates to slack or twitter.


The scoreboard data for each event (e.g. Team Round 1) is publicly available. This tool merely fetches the json data and does some local processing to provide a better experience.


Just One Event

Often you only want to display the current event.

You can use a configuration file (e.g. config.json or with --config) that only specifies that event.

presidentsCTF --config solo-round-1.json

Or you can use the --event option to limit the display (6e8a18 is the prefix of the Solo Round 1 leaderboard event_id).

presidentsCTF --event 6e8a18

More Teams

By default the scoreboard only shows active teams. If the event is not live there will be no results. The following flags change what is shown. These can be used in combination.

--active         show active teams (default=True)
--known          show known teams (default=False)
--top TOP        show top N teams
$ presidentsCTF --event 6e8a18 --top 3
Solo Round 1
|   Rank | Team           |   Score |   Solves | Remaining   |
|      1 | DOD-Player-513 |    5500 |        9 | Final       |
|      2 | DOD-Player-280 |    5500 |        9 | Final       |
|      3 | DOD-Player-262 |    5500 |       10 | Final       |

Log solves

By running the fetch in a recurring fashion the tool can compute differences and infer challenge solves. This is easy to automate with a tool like watch. For example the following invocation will capture minute by minute updates as well as export the received json data for other use, and store the update messages to log.

$ watch -n 60 'presidentsCTF --event 6e8a18 --export | tee -a log'

Known Teams

By default the scoreboard only shows anonymous team names. This makes it challenging to follow your friends and enemies. If you know who a team is you can add a custom mapping into your config.json under the "teams" section.


If you want the updates delivered live in real time, this tool can also post updates to slack or twitter. Check the example config.json for the information required to use this functionality.

The "watch" field of the "slack" configuration maps a team name to a slack user id. This will @mention the user for any changes on that team.

Caution using the known teams feature with the notification feature so as not to unintentionally expose who is on what team.

Though the bot has twitter functionality, you should probably just follow the unofficial account

Filter only unique updates

When logging solves you will likely end up with a large number of json files that are effectively identical. These take up space, slow things down and are just not necessary. The following command is an example of filtering out only the files that contain updates:

presidentsCTF --local . --quiet --debug 2>&1 | grep "loaded with changes" | awk '{print $7}' | xargs -I {} cp {} ./uniq/

This assumes:

  • the uniq directory exists (the destination for the unique files to be copied to)
  • the command is run from a directory (.) containing json files created with --export


For an event it is interesting to see who many challenges of each point value have been solved, and things like the average solve duration. This tool also ships with a presidentsCTF-stats command that can be used on an existing database to quickly display these kinds of statistics. For example:

$ presidentsCTF-stats
Team Round 2 - fab611
Teams on scoreboard  : 35
Solve Breakdown (Hours:Minutes)
|   Points |   Solved | Min   | Average   | Max   |
|     1000 |       67 | 00:05 | 01:38     | 05:53 |
|     2000 |       61 | 00:24 | 04:17     | 06:41 |
|     3000 |        4 | 00:14 | 04:57     | 07:40 |

The --team flag can be used to see stats for a specific team as well.

Note: The ability to display per solve statistics relies on logging solves over time and computing the differences as per the Log Solves section.


The President's Cup Cybersecurity Competition organizers for putting on the event. jchristman for pointing out that api endpoint. All bugs are mine.