Lambda with math operators support

pip install pro-lambda==0.3.3



pip3 install pro_lambda


You can find documentation here


pro_lambda make it possible to modify your functions with standart mathematical and logical operators:

from pro_lambda import pro_lambda

some = pro_lambda(lambda : 1)
other = some + 1
# then we call result as if it was (lambda: 1)() + 1
assert other() == 2

some = pro_lambda(lambda x, y: x+y)
other = some + 1
# here we pass some arguments
assert other(1, 2) == 4

# we can also use another function on the right side
other = some + (lambda z, y: z - y)
assert other(1, y = 2, z = 3) == 4

It also supports async functions:

import asyncio
from pro_lambda import pro_lambda

async def main():

    async def _some(x):
        await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
        return x

    _save = _some
    some = pro_lambda(_some)
    other = some + (lambda: 1)
    assert some.is_async
    assert await other(1) == 2

    some = pro_lambda(lambda : 1)
    other = some + _some

    assert other.is_async
    assert await other(x=1) == 2

    some = pro_lambda(_some)
    other = some + _some
    assert other.is_async
    assert await other(x=1) == 2

    other = some == 1

    assert other.is_logical
    assert await other(1)
    assert not await other(2)